Cuộc phiêu lưu theo phong cách stop-motion tuyệt đẹp Harold Halibut đến "đầu năm 2024"

Cuộc phiêu lưu tuyệt đẹp theo phong cách stop-motion Harold Halibut đến “đầu năm 2024”

Nút nguồn: 2720847

It’s been a long old wait for developer Slow Bros’ gorgeous stop-motion-style space adventure Harold Halibut – but now, some seven years after its initial reveal, an end is in almost sight, with its Xbox, PlayStation, and PC release set for “early” next year.

Harold Halibut kể câu chuyện về một trợ lý phòng thí nghiệm trẻ tuổi (tên chính là Harold) buộc phải sống cuộc sống của mình trên Fedora, một con tàu vũ trụ có kích thước thành phố vẫn chìm dưới đại dương xa lạ 250 năm sau khi nó rời khỏi Trái đất để bảo tồn loài người.

While some of its inhabitants have reconciled themselves to a life on the sunken ship, others still works tirelessly to find a way to leave the planet and reach a new, dryer home. Harold’s story lies somewhere between all that, told in absolutely sumptuous style, part fully voiced stop-motion movie, part narrative-driven adventure.

Harold Halibut – 2021 story trailer.

Harold Halibut was initially revealed back in 2016, and its long gestation isn’t all that surprising once you lay eyes on its stunning handcrafted world, built using a combination of intricate real-world sets and models combined with motion-capture animation within Unity.

I’ve had my eye on this one for absolutely ages, and it’s genuinely exciting to hear the wait is almost over now Harold Halibut has been given an “early 2024” release on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Game Pass.

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