Where to find Jemison Mercantile in Starfield

Where to find Jemison Mercantile in Starfield

Source Node: 2874192

Starfield is a game that has so many different things for you to do around its galaxy-size open ended map. You can spend hours and hours just looting different planets, building a new ship for yourself, or even simply running around exploring some of the great sights this game has to offer. Along the way during your journey through the galaxy of Starfield though, you’re going to need to buy some materials and items, such as buying new Digipicks and other items like Med Packs from various vendors on the different worlds. One of the vendors you can buy a lot of different items from is Jemison Mercantile, which you can find very early on in Starfield. Here’s our guide on where to find Jemison Mercantile in Starfield.

Where to find Jemison Mercantile in Starfield

Jemison Mercantile is a shop that you can find very early on in Starfield, as you can find this vendor on the planet of Jemison. More specifically, you can find the Jemison Mercantile shop in New Atlantis, and pretty close to where you land your ship too.

To walk you through the actual location of the Jemison Mercantile in Starfield, let’s begin at where you land your ship in New Atlantis. After you exit your ship, you’re going to want to proceed down the ramp and then continue up the ramp in front of you until you come to the location in the image below.

Starfield Jemison Mercantile

Screenshot by PC Invasion

After coming to the location in the image above, we’re not that far away from the Jemison Mercantile. If you can see the kind of triangular symbol on the building in the background, that’s actually the Jemison Mercantile shop that we’re heading to. So you’ll want to proceed towards this shop and then you should be able to see the sign with the name ‘Jemison Mercantile’ written on it, and then you can enter to purchase or sell what you need or just have a look around.

The Jemison Mercantile actually sells quite a few useful items in Starfield such as Digipicks and various different resources that you can buy here to spend time finding them in the wild.

Starfield is available for purchase on Steam.

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