根据拜登的计划,工人们可以获得12周带薪休假。 这是详细信息

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That’s what President Joe Biden is expected to propose on Wednesday night when he rolls out his 1.8万亿美元支出和税收抵免计划 to remake the country’s economy after a devastating year.

全国带薪家庭和病假计划在十年内将耗资约 225 亿美元,白宫表示,大部分费用将通过提高对富人的税收来支付。

Within 10 years, Biden’s plan would guarantee workers 12 weeks of paid leave, which they could use “to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, deal with a loved one’s military deployment, find safety from sexual assault, stalking, or domestic violence, heal from their own serious illness or take time to deal with the death of a loved one,” according to an outline released by the White House.

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Workers could get up to $4,000 a month during their leave, with at least two-thirds of their average weekly wages replaced. The lowest-wage workers would get 80% of their prior earnings. Biden’s plan would also give workers three days of bereavement leave per year, starting in year one. Grief has been a major theme of Biden’s presidency, with him speaking often about losing his son Beau to brain cancer at 46.


目前,拥有 50 名或以上员工的公司必须提供最多 12 周的无薪休假,这要归功于 1993 年家庭和医疗休假法。但美国是 唯一的一个 countries that doesn’t guarantee workers paid time off when they’re having a new child or dealing with an illness.

在日本和挪威,新父母可以获得 more than a year’s worth of paid leave.

Why is the U.S. different than other countries? “We have historically had low taxes and a skimpy safety net,” Brookings Institution senior fellow 伊莎贝尔·索希尔 说过。

For the same reason — opposition by businesses — the U.S. doesn’t have universal health care, City University of New York sociologist professor and labor expert 露丝·米尔克曼 说过。

“They are allergic to any government intervention in the labor market,” Milkman said.

绝大多数美国选民—— 各地80% — 支持全国带薪休假计划的想法。

But while Americans want access to paid family and medical leave, “a government program isn’t the solution,” according to The Heritage Foundation research fellow 雷切尔·格雷斯勒.

“Most would much rather receive flexible and accommodating policies through their employers than to have to deal with government bureaucrats and the constraints of a one-size-fits-all government program,” Greszler said.

在没有联邦带薪休假政策的情况下, 一些州 包括加利福尼亚州、新泽西州和罗德岛州在内的州都制定了自己的计划来补偿请假的工人。

But with most workers at the mercy of their employer’s policy, fewer than 五分之一 可以享受带薪家庭假或育儿假。与此同时,只有不到一半的人享受带薪病假。在有色人种和低收入工人中,这种机会更加罕见。

“Too many people have been forced to make an impossible choice between the income they need and the families they love because they have no paid leave,” said 露丝·马丁,非营利组织 MomsRising 的高级副总裁。

“It’s become an even more devastating problem during the pandemic, which has sickened millions, pushed hospitalizations to unprecedented levels and forced even more people to take time off to care for relatives with Covid-19,” Martin said.

据一个估计,典型的工作年龄成年人在停薪休假 9,500 周后损失超过 12 美元。


威德恩大学教授在设计政策时应该向提供带薪休假的州吸取经验教训 琳达·豪瑟 说过。

“One of the many intriguing elements about the state paid leave laws is how they are paid for,” Houser said. “Most of them are funded primarily through employee premiums.

“In some cases, both employees and employers contribute,” she added. “As with other social insurance programs in the United States and elsewhere, the idea is that everyone pays in.”

Another feature of the state programs that the federal government should study is how they’ve found a way to include the growing ranks of freelancers, gig-workers and self-employed people, Milkman said.

“It’s quite inexpensive, so self-employed and gig workers opt-in by just paying the tax, just as some do with Social Security,” Milkman said. “In these programs, it’s an insurance model.

“If you pay the tax, you can make a claim if a covered event, like a new baby, occurs.”

虽然某些带薪休假政策已经 共和党人的支持, they oppose Biden’s plan to raise taxes to fund the program. That could make passage of such legislation difficult, though 民主党人也可以利用 此 预算对帐 制定带薪休假的流程。

这条途径允许他们以简单多数通过立法,这就是他们所拥有的一切。根据参议院的程序规则,其他法案通常必须获得 60 票才能获得通过。下一次预算调节过程可能会在秋季进行。

“Paid leave certainly has budget implications so it can go through the reconciliation process,” Martin said.

Has a lack of paid family or medical leave adversely impacted you? If you’re willing to share your experience for an upcoming article, please email me at annie.nova@nbcuni.com

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/28/paid-leave-of-up-to-4000-a-month-for-12-weeks-part-of-biden-proposal.html


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