苹果为何急于将生产迁出中国。 -

苹果为何急于将生产迁出中国。 –

源节点: 3072279

Apple is rushing to move production out of China for a number of reasons, including:

  • 地缘政治紧张局势: The ongoing trade war between the United States and China, as well as the recent conflict over Taiwan, have raised concerns about the reliability of China as a manufacturing base for Apple products.
  • 供应链中断: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions to global supply chains, and China has been particularly hard hit. This has led to delays and shortages of components, which has impacted Apple’s production.
  • 劳动力成本上升: Labor costs in China have been rising steadily in recent years, which is making it more expensive for Apple to produce its products there.
  • 人权问题: Apple has been criticized for its use of Chinese factories that have been accused of violating labor rights. Apple has said that it is committed to improving working conditions in its supply chain, but it is facing increasing pressure to move production out of China altogether.

Apple Moving Production Out of China

Apple is already producing some of its products in other countries, such as India and Vietnam. However, it is still heavily reliant on China for manufacturing. Apple is reportedly planning to move more of its production out of China in the coming years, but it is unclear how quickly this will happen.

Moving production out of China is a complex and challenging task for Apple. It will require the company to find new suppliers and build new factories in other countries. It will also be important for Apple to maintain the high quality standards that its customers expect.

However, Apple is determined to reduce its reliance on China. The company knows that geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, rising labor costs, and human rights concerns are all risks that could have a negative impact on its business. By moving production out of China, Apple can mitigate these risks and protect its long-term success.

Quotes on Supply Chain and Apple

  • “我并不担心人工智能赋予计算机像人类一样思考的能力。 我更关心人们像计算机一样思考,没有价值观或同情心,不关心后果。 这就是我们需要你帮助我们防范的。” ~蒂姆·库克
  • “不要纠结于谁拥有这个想法。 挑一个最好的,我们走吧。” ~Steve Jobs
  • “没有物流,世界就会停止。” ~戴夫·沃特斯
  • “Don’t worry, be crappy. Revolutionary means you ship and then test… Lots of things made the first Mac in 1984 a piece of crap – but it was a revolutionary piece of crap.” ~盖伊·川崎
  • “创新与你拥有多少研发资金无关。 当 Apple 推出 Mac 时,IBM 的研发支出至少是 IBM 的 100 倍。 这不是钱的问题。 这是关于你拥有的人,你如何被领导,以及你得到了多少。” ~Steve Jobs

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