Sexta-feira das finanças: ficar em casa com os filhos ou trabalhar para atingir o FI mais rápido?

Sexta-feira das finanças: ficar em casa com os filhos ou trabalhar para atingir o FI mais rápido?

Nó Fonte: 2598448

Liberdade financeira vs. family time. If done correctly, you can have both; but living the best of both worlds is impossible without sacrifice. For novos pais, mudando de um dual-income household to a single full-time income overnight can be a hard burden to bear. With less money comes lower retirement accounts, a longer time horizon to being debt-free, and financial freedom pushed years, or even decades, away. So, is being a stay-at-home parent worth the financial sacrifice?

Nesta Sexta-feira de finanças, conversamos com Patrick, who recently became a new dad (woohoo!). His wife has taken on the full-time job of being a stay-at-home mom, but with a massive amount of debt hanging over their heads, Patrick is debating whether or not returning to dual income is the right move to make. Not only is this choice a financial one, it’s also an extremely personal debate, as many parents would far rather spend their time with their kids than bring home a bigger paycheck. And while we can’t tell Patrick what to do next, Mindy and Scott can offer the opções financeiras he and his wife NEED to know about.

But we’re not just talking about student loan debt in this episode. We also get into whole life insurance policies, HELOCs (linhas de crédito home equity), empréstimos de carro, e se ou não compra de imóveis para aluguel is the right move for a new parent. You may be in Patrick’s position soon (if not already), and this topic is one you CANNOT afford to miss if you’re building wealth while raising a family!

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Neste episódio nós cobrimos

  • Student loan debt and what you MUST do to ficar livre de dívidas 
  • Seguro de vida inteira políticas and whether they’re worth the high monthly premiums
  • A verdade custo da faculdade and what to know BEFORE you finance your degree
  • Rental property headaches and quando investimento imobiliário may NOT be the right move
  • Ditching dual income to become a stay-at-home parent and who is in the position to do so
  • Reaching financial freedom as a new parent and the sacrifices you MUST make to retire early
  • E So Muito mais!

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