There are now over 400 CircuitPython compatible microcontroller boards #CircuitPython #Python @Adafruit

There are now over 400 CircuitPython compatible microcontroller boards #CircuitPython #Python @Adafruit

Source Node: 2647121

CircuitPython is one of the easiest ways to program microcontrollers. CircuitPython is a programming language designed to simplify experimenting and learning to code on low-cost microcontroller boards.

There are now over 400 microcontroller boards that support CircuitPython! AND in 20 languages each for localization. They include boards from many manufacturers, these are boards from the community, companies that are not Adafruit, and entire new businesses / makers using and shipping boards with CircuitPython. Supported chips include: Espressif, Microchip SAMDs, Nordic, NXP, RP2040, ST, iMX RT and more! From Wi-Fi to BLE to LoRA, there is an easy and fun way to program microcontrollers with CircuitPython!

There are 438 libraries available to help you get started more quickly. And getting started is even easier to use now with the Project Bundle feature for all guides!

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