LoL Wild Rift Mid Lane Tier List Patch 4.4C

LoL Wild Rift Mid Lane Tier List Patch 4.4C

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Let’s take a look at the best mid-lane champions.

The Wild Rift Patch 4.4C patch brings a new champion, Zyra, and introduces many other changes, including character balancing. These changes have affected the mid lane pecking order, with some champions dropping in the tier list while others climbed to the top of it.

If you are serious about climbing in Wild Rift, then you need to know which are the best champions in mid lane in the current meta. Thi sis the only way to reach the top and be among the best of the best Wild Rift players.

So let’s find out which are the must-pick champions in mid lane, and which ones you should avoid.

Wild Rift mid lane tier list for patch 4.4C

Mid lane is the most important lane in the game, so it’s crucial to get a strategic advantage over your opponents. Knowing which are the strongest champions for the role will give you an advantage over opponents.

Wild Rift: Akali

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The new patch brings a lot of changes, in particular for champions such as Ashe, Sona, Yone, Varus, and others. That’s why we took an in-depth look at these changes to find out how they affect the meta.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the mid lane tier list in Patch 4.4C, and find out which champions you should pick, and which ones you must stay away from.




Zoe, Akali, Kassadin, Vladimir, Galio, Yasuo


Ziggs, Orianna, Irelia, Jayce, Kai’Sa, Gragas, Zed, Veigar, Diana, Yone, Fizz, Corki, Ahri, Vex, Karma


Akshan, Twisted Fate, Ekko, Swain, Kennen, Lucian, Pyke, Lux, Annie, Katarina.


Aurelion Sol, Seraphine, Brand, Singed


Kayle, Morgana, Malphite

Wild Rift: Best mid lane champions

Let’s start by taking a look at Kassadin. This champion will perfectly protect the mid lane, as it has decent damage and high mobility. His skills, such as Null Sphere and Nether Blade, are perfectly matched to each other and will allow you to quickly and easily kill the mid lane champion from the enemy team.

Upon reaching level 5, you will unlock the ultimate Riftwalk, which is great for both defense and offense. There are many builds for Kassadin that you can use depending on the situation, but items like Rod of Ages, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Archangel’s Staff are a must.

Another champion worthy of note is Vladimir, a mage who stands out among other characters of this type because he doesn’t use mana. This champion is not for beginners because he sacrifices health when attacking, so you need to understand when it is better to strike and when to back off.

Vladimir has powerful AoE skills, such as Sanguine Pool and Tides of Blood, so he can easily defend the mid-lane, even if there are several enemies. Hemoplague is his ultimate, which will help you deal damage to the enemy and at the same time restore the character’s health, which is also important in the mid lane.

Wild Rift: Vladimir

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For better performance and advantage over the enemy, it is recommended to use items such as Cosmic Drive, Crown of the Shattered Queen, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

Champions such as Zoe, Akali, Galio, and Yasuo are also extremely strong, and you should look to pick them whenever possible. If none of those champions is available, then champions such as Ziggs, Orianna, Irelia, Jayce, or any other from the A tier, will be a solid pick.

Avoid picking the champions which are in the B tier and below. These champions will struggle against S and A tier champions, and are only good in specific matchups.

By the way, if you’re looking for even more gaming content, feel free to take a look at our guide on how to download LoL Wild Rift on your mobile device. Also, we have an article about whether you can play League of Legends on Xbox, so make sure to check it out.

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