In today's fast-paced world, the importance of education has never been greater. In a digital revolution where neural networks and artificial intelligence are rapidly replacing humans, the need to adapt and constantly learn is paramount. Education is our compass in this sea of change, giving us the skills and knowledge to stay relevant and competitive.

And the very nature of knowledge itself is also changing dramatically. Traditional models of learning are being challenged as the pace of innovation accelerates and information becomes more accessible than ever before. This is a time that demands revolutionary thinking and unconventional approaches to education, where adaptability, creativity and critical thinking come to the fore.

For now, blockchain technology, which enables immersive, accessible and personalized learning experiences, is in the early stages of adoption in education. According to a 2019 survey by research firm Gartner, only 2% of higher education institutions are implementing blockchain, and another 18% expected to do so within the next two years.

Of course, the main drivers of progress in Web3 education are startups. It is coming up with new concepts, creating unusual models, and revolutionizing learning. These startups are not just teaching us, but changing the way we learn and apply knowledge in this era of digital transformation. For example, Encode Club is gamifying education on the blockchain to make learning fun and accessible.

These startups are not just teaching us, but changing the way we learn and apply knowledge in this era of digital transformation. They are bringing the power of emerging technologies to education and unlocking human potential.

We decided to introduce you to these pioneers of the education industry and prepared a selection of the best startups, each of which is a beacon of learning innovation.

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