Intervju med Vitalik Buterin, grunnlegger av Ethereum

Intervju med Vitalik Buterin, grunnlegger av Ethereum

Kilde node: 2904110

John McAfee. Brock Pierce. Charlie Lee. Those are all names. Cindy. Roberto. Fred. Those are also names. We don’t know who those last three are, but the first three have been on this show. However, there is one name we’ve been in hot pursuit of for 2 ½ years. And it turns out he is the most requested name from the citizens of Bad Cryptopia. That person is Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum.

One of the most influential people in blockchain, we had the pleasure of meeting Vitalik in Denver while attending the ETHDenver conference. And he was gracious enough to sit down with us for a 30-minute conversation. We were joined by Adam Barlam, developer of the Bravocoin app, because we wanted representation by someone who spoke Vitalik’s language.  No, not Russian… geek.

At this very same event, we have the pleasure of discovering a new social media app that both Travis and I are enjoying.  It’s called Pepo, and you’ll meet Jason Goldberg, one of the founders. 

Get ready for an epic episode with one of the biggest names in crypto, Vitalik Buterin, on this episode #379 of The Bad Crypto Podcast. 

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 $BTC: Bitcoin: 3GMgCH4dFUHSLdrPnLwEsfKPVnLnoGbzGZ
 $ ETH ethereum: 0x1ccE8A04fa6743eD1D24cA063c7543D43B42F328
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 $ DOGE dogecoin:  DMngvNMX1U8Sg8PkDjCC3UTS8Mmn9RqTP5

Gjør din egen due diligence og research. Joel Comm og Travis Wright er IKKE FINANSIELLE RÅDGIVER. Vi deler reisen vår med deg mens vi lærer mer om denne sprø lille tingen som kalles kryptovaluta. Vi gir INGEN ANBEFALINGER. Ikke ta noe vi sier som evangelium. Ikke kom hjem til oss med høygafler fordi du tapte penger ved å lytte til oss.

Vi deler bare med deg det vi lærer og hva vi investerer i det. Vi vil aldri "pumpe eller dumpe" noen kryptovalutaer. Ta det vi sier med en klype salt. Du må undersøke dette på egen hånd! Bare vit at vi alltid vil strebe etter RADIKAL ÅSTENHET med eventuelle utstillingsforeninger.

Vis redigert av: Aaron The Tech (

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