YouTube에서 핀테크 솔루션 홍보: 잠재 고객 참여 및 교육

YouTube에서 핀테크 솔루션 홍보: 잠재 고객 참여 및 교육

소스 노드 : 2614669

2023 년 4 월 28 일

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Image: Unsplash/Nik

Making an impact on YouTube is 90% getting an audience and 10% convincing them of something. Almost all of the work is dedicated to gathering up a following. After all, you can have the world’s most convincing sales material, but it won’t do much good if there is nobody around to see it. This article considers how you gather together your audience and how you make an impact by engaging and educating them.

Gather Together Your Audience First

Before you do anything, you need an audience. Do not buy bot follows because they are not real people. You need followers who are real people. Go online and look for the sort of YouTube channels for sale that you can 여기에서 찾으십시오.. These are YouTube accounts that other people have sold. Market to their audiences, sell your ideas, sell your products, and cross-promote your own social media accounts. You cannot engage or educate people if nobody is listening. First get the crowd, then grow your influence.

Tutorials Are Where It’s At

You are dealing with very intelligent people. They are not looking at reviews when they consider your software and your tech solutions. They know that reviews can be bought and that having something described isn’t the same as using it.

People look at tutorials to see how the system works, to see what it does, and to see how easy (or sensible/logical) it is to learn. Take the example of Adobe’s character creator with motion capture. “NOBODY” was buying that crap. They had spent millions on development to churn out a cheap looking character modeler. Then, a small time YouTuber with only 7K followers put out a short tutorial on how to use the software. It racked up 41K views, and the adoption of the character creator picked up. So, a member of the development team “Okay Samurai” put out a fully fleshed out tutorial on the software, and racked up 171K views, and now YouTube is littered with people’s attempts at motion-capture 2D animation.

인플루언서 마케팅 활용

There are two shortcuts to making an impact on social media and putting yourself in front of as many people as possible. You can buy other people’s accounts and promote to their audiences, or you can pay influencers to promote your social media channels. You can get in touch with them through services like 샤우트 카트. Have them cause a stir and draw people to you, and then educate your audience with tutorials, with reviews that you write, with comparisons against your competitors, and with good old marketing. With good old “Identifying a problem and then solving it.”

What is Left to Teach? 

If you have manufactured all the varieties of successful video, the reviews, the comparisons, the tutorials, etc., and you are running out of content ideas, then you should consider creating the most evergreen type of content ever made. The content includes answering difficult questions.

What are the most common questions that come through your support system. What are people looking at on your FAQ section? Are people asking certain questions on Google? Sometimes, these questions give people a direct line to you in a manner that helps build your brand.

참조 :  효과적인 스케일업 마케팅 전략 수립

For example, if somebody wants to reset their display so that it only shows CFD movements during the USA sessions. They are going to look online until they find a forum person who answers the question. Instead of finding them, they find your answer to the question on YouTube. Not only do they see the answer, but they also see all the other features and functions on offer. You show and prove to people that they made the right decision when they decided to buy your software. Even branding exercises this small and seemingly insignificant are going to help your word-of-mouth marketing and your yearly renewal marketing.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Promoting Fintech Solutions on YouTube: Engaging and Educating Potential CustomersXNUMXD덴탈의 전국 크라우드 펀딩 및 핀 테크 협회 (NCFA Canada)는 교육, 시장 정보, 산업 관리, 네트워킹 및 자금 지원 기회 및 서비스를 수천 명의 커뮤니티 구성원에게 제공하고 산업, 정부, 파트너 및 계열사와 긴밀하고 협력하여 활기차고 혁신적인 핀 테크 및 자금을 창출하는 금융 혁신 생태계입니다. 캐나다의 산업. 분산 및 분산 된 NCFA는 전 세계 이해 관계자와 협력하여 핀 테크, 대체 금융, 크라우드 펀딩, PXNUMXP 금융, 지불, 디지털 자산 및 토큰, 블록 체인, 암호 화폐, 정규 기술 및 보험 산업 부문에서 프로젝트 및 투자를 인큐베이팅하는 데 도움을줍니다. 가입하기 캐나다의 Fintech & Funding Community 오늘은 무료입니다! 또는 기고 회원 특권을 얻으십시오. 자세한 내용은 다음을 방문하십시오.

#fintech에서 일어나고 있는 가장 혁신적인 발전에 대한 내부 액세스 권한을 얻고 싶습니다. #FFCON23에 등록하고 글로벌 사고 리더의 다음 단계에 대해 들어보세요! FFCON23의 모든 가상 프로그래밍 및 주문형 콘텐츠에 대한 오픈 액세스 티켓을 보려면 아래를 클릭하십시오.

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