

ソースノード: 2747929

オランダは特定の品目の輸出を制限する新たな規則を発表した。 半導体製造装置。このニュースは、中国へのコンピューターチップ技術の販売を抑制するよう米国から圧力をかけられた直後に発表されたが、オランダ政府は国家安全保障を理由にこの措置を講じたと述べた。
BBC News reported the Chinese government responded that the decision was “not in the interests of any party,” and would impact chip production and supply chains.

Mao Ning, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson, said China opposed the U.S.’s “abuse of export controls” and its “use of various pretexts to win over and coerce other countries into imposing a technological blockade against China”.



In October 2022, the U.S. imposed sweeping export restrictions on shipments of American chipmaking tools to China to prevent its technology from being used to strengthen Beijing’s military. But for the U.S. restrictions to be effective it needs other key suppliers, such as the Netherlands, to join forces.

The Dutch government said that from September 1, the export of “certain advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment” would have to be authorized.


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