Synergia aggiunge l'espansione Sunrise con la nuova edizione NextGen | L'XboxHub

Synergia aggiunge l'espansione Sunrise con la nuova edizione NextGen | L'XboxHub

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Synergia gets NextGen Edition and Sunrise expansion

Back in the early months of 2022 a new cyberpunk thriller appeared on Xbox. Playing out as a visual novel, that game was Synergia. Today that same game gets a full NextGen Edition for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. As well as a new Sunrise expansion which builds things out to all-new levels. 

A new Synergia – NextGen Edition on Xbox and PlayStation

Available for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 is Synergia – NextGen Edition. Taking the original base game, we see Top Hat Studios add to things with a 4K remastering, enhanced loading and cloud features. Further to that is some new never-before-seen in-game content, including a 56 page original artbook, comic reader, music listening room and more. 

That in itself would probably be enough to warrant a purchase of Synergia – NextGen Edition on its own. But this new version also comes complete with the Sunrise expansion. 

Sunrise tells the story of what happens after the end of the world. It is set one year after Cila and Mara navigate the events of the Synergia incident. Sunrise explores their future outside of The Empire’s neon jungle, and the repurcussions on the world around them. It focuses on the Emperor’s right-hand – the Master of the Art of Sacrifice – Yu. From there, they prepare to make a reunion with the now-reviled Cila and Mara as she seeks to settle things, once and for all, with The Empire’s most wanted terrorist: Yoko, the enigmatic black-market dealer who “gifted” Mara to Cila originally.

More key features

The key features of Synergia Sunrise include:

  • Meticulous hand-drawn artwork, with over 100 combined unique backgrounds and CGs
  • A beautiful, vibrant art style bathed in ultraviolet and neon shades
  • 20+ characters, all with their own backgrounds and personalities, who will cross your path and influence the fate of Cila’s journey
  • A narrative exploring the themes of forbidden love, the crimes of the future, and a relationship between human emotions and technology told through their own point of view
  • A thrilling storyline true to the oeuvre of cyberpunk fiction, with choices that affect Cila, MARA, and now Yu’s journeys and the world around them, with multiple endings
  • An immersive atmosphere that puts you inside a dystopian, technologically insane world, thanks to a synth laden soundtrack by Andy Andi Han, with extra contributions by Lilith Heil and Hohenheim.

Get purchasing

If you already have the base game of Synergia, you’ll find Sunrise kicking around as a free download on PC (Steam) too. If you were a Kickstarter backer of the game, you’ll get this NextGen Edition free as well. 

You’ll find the Xbox Store capable of sorting out Xbox players. There is a Synergia Store Page in place, as does the new Synergia – NextGen Edition. £16.74 is the price being asked.

[Contenuto incorporato]

Synergia – NextGen Edition on Xbox Game Description

Synergia – NextGen Edition is a 4K Remaster featuring the SUNRISE expansion plus bonus content!

Un paesaggio urbano distopico illuminato al neon diventa il palcoscenico per avventure elettrizzanti e una profonda storia d'amore yuri in questo romanzo visivo a tema cyberpunk. Le complesse personalità ed esperienze di oltre 20 personaggi si intrecciano attraverso molteplici percorsi e possibili finali. Le tue scelte contano, non solo per te, ma per tutti coloro con cui fai fatica a connetterti.

Cila, una poliziotta veterana con un atteggiamento acido e problemi di rabbia, non si aspetta altro dalla vita oltre all'odore di ozono, alle luci al neon accecanti e all'onnipresente vapore dei tombini. Questo fino a quando un losco amico non sostituisce il suo droide rotto come favore. Avanzata, più efficiente e straordinariamente perspicace, l'unità MARA inizia a penetrare l'esterno indurito di Cila e forse anche a curare le vecchie ferite del suo nuovo proprietario, se Cila riesce a decifrare l'incubo ricorrente che il processo comporta. Presto Cila e Mara stringono un legame unico, anche se a volte difficile.

All'insaputa di Cila, proprio mentre la sua vita inizia a trovare una nuova normalità, il gigante tecnologico Velta Labs viene a conoscenza dell'esistenza di Mara e nutre un misterioso interesse per l'androide. Una guerra diversa da qualsiasi altra si sta preparando all'orizzonte, i suoi giocatori vengono selezionati silenziosamente e il destino di un androide può segnare la differenza tra pace, guerra, lo sbocciare di una nuova religione o una singolarità tecnologica oltre ogni comprensione.


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