Suara-suara baru di Disco Elysium – The Final Cut membuatnya terasa lebih seperti pengalaman di atas meja daripada sebelumnya

Node Sumber: 799286

The delightfully unusual detective role-playing game Disco Elysium is finally on console. The Final Cut version of the game arrived yesterday on PlayStation machines (4 and 5), the App Store, Stadia and PC (a free update if you already own the base game), and there’s an Xbox version due to follow this summer.

I’ve been playing it on PlayStation 5, and generally it works well. I haven’t noticed the frame-rate issues I’ve seen reported elsewhere, so presumably they really have been fixed. But I have come across the object interaction bug, which sometimes doesn’t register your interactions, or doesn’t quite trigger them. Pressing the button again usually rectifies the issue, so it’s sometimes annoying but rarely more. Loading times seem fine on PS5, though I wonder what they’re like on PS4, and I haven’t seen any other bugs, though I’m only early in the game (code arrived late).

Tetapi tambahan baru yang paling menonjol adalah akting suara penuh. Disco Elysium adalah permainan bertele-tele dan hanya sebagian kecil dari itu yang disuarakan awalnya, yang berarti sebagian besar waktu Anda membaca kotak teks di sisi kanan layar. Dan meskipun kata-katanya (dan) menyenangkan – Disco Elysium memiliki selera humor yang luar biasa, dan cara yang indah untuk menyuarakan pikiran yang benar-benar harus tetap ada di kepala Anda – jumlahnya bisa melelahkan. Ini juga membuat gim ini agak sunyi dan hening, karena menunggu Anda membaca dan mengejar ketinggalan. Tetapi penambahan suara yang dapat didengar memiliki efek yang kuat dalam hal ini.

Disco Elysium berjalan di PS5 saya.

Anda dapat melihat beberapa antarmuka konsol di sini.

Disco Elysium now feels more like an actual tabletop role-playing experience. A kind of narrator describes scenes audibly to you, making it feel as though you’re in a live gaming session with a GM. This also frees you up to concentrate less on the words, which is a blessing now you’re probably sitting further away from them. And it means people in your house can be pulled into the experience too, should you want them to be – I don’t recommend letting your children spectate!

It’s also very welcome hearing the characters who you speak to. Their newly found voices give new life to the game, and they add a sense of clarity to the different characters you meet. The voices are generally good, too, with a nice range of accents and voice types. The only slight jarring element is when there isn’t a voiced line, for some reason, and when your player character speaks, or rather doesn’t speak, because you are not voiced.

Jadi, meskipun akting suara penuh mungkin tampak seperti tambahan di atas kertas, dalam praktiknya hal itu memiliki efek yang besar.

There are other additions in the new Final Cut version of the game, including unseen areas and quality of life improvements, and added replayability, but I either haven’t noticed them or haven’t seen them yet.

Sumber: pengalaman di atas meja dari sebelumnya

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