Paul Hawken: Keberlanjutan saja tidak cukup. Inilah apa itu

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Keberlanjutan adalah kerangka yang terbatas. Solusi terhadap krisis iklim bergantung pada penerapan regenerasi sebagai prinsip pengorganisasian universal. 

That’s according to entrepreneur and author Paul Hawken, who just published a “what-to-do,” action-packed handbook for those seeking to channel collective action on complex, systemic problems in ways that nurture life and livelihoods. 

“To me, regeneration is not about saying this is a better word so much as opening and expanding the sense and possibly enlarging what it means for human beings, companies and NGOs, to come together … and solve the climate crisis,” Hawken said Thursday at the GreenBiz VERGE 21 virtual event. “A regenerative movement will come. The climate slash regenerative movement will be the largest movement … that we’ve ever seen on Earth.”

Buku barunya, “Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation,” is joined by a website that details “what needs to be done and how to do it on all levels of agency, from a classroom to a CEO.” Situs ini menawarkan snapshot isu-isu sistemik – termasuk tungku ramah lingkungan, menyetrum segalanya dan tidak menyia-nyiakan apa pun – dengan item tindakan, pemain kunci, tata kelola, pelaku kejahatan, dan media yang harus dicerna untuk masing-masing isu.

This manual for ending the climate crisis in a generation carries forward the work of the 2017 New York Times bestseller that Hawken edited, “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.”

Sepuluh dari 100 solusi Project Drawdown terhadap krisis iklim.

Although Project Drawdown’s list of the top 100 climate solutions (10 displayed above) have influenced business leaders, inventors, activists, academics and policymakers, it stopped short of detailing concrete steps for achieving them. That’s what Regeneration and a companion website set out to achieve. Curious about a Drawdown solution such as “degraded land restoration”? Hawken hopes you’ll visit alih-alih terhalang oleh penelusuran Google tentang topik seperti yang dia lakukan.

“We’re being homeschooled by the planet,” Hawken told GreenBiz co-founder Joel Makower. “To be in alignment with life in everything we do, think, feel, take, buy, make everything … That’s lesson No. 1.” Mix in mass cooperation, support and collaboration with plenty of dreaming, and his take on regeneration offers a decentralized movement with no charismatic leader.

Kita dididik di rumah oleh planet ini.

Apa yang diperlukan masyarakat untuk mengabdikan pekerjaan dan hidup mereka pada kerangka regeneratif ini?

All the jargon around 1.5 degrees Celsius, decarbonization, negative emissions and so forth in the “climate club” means nothing to 99 percent of people, Hawken said. Yet regeneration describes the innate qualities of being a human being. “It’s actually what we do every day, all 30 trillion cells in our body are regenerating every nanosecond, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. So it’s innate to being us, that we take care of ourselves … And that’s why I feel like it’ll be the largest movement on Earth.”

Yet the language around climate change is warlike, framed in terms of tackling, fighting, combating and mitigating. Hawken sought an alternative to such combative words, focusing on the concept of “drawing down,” which describes reaching the point at which greenhouse gases peak and begin to decline on an ongoing basis.

Sistem yang mengatur dirinya sendiri

The world’s 4.3 billion people living in poverty don’t have the luxury to care about an existential threat because they have daily existential threats to meet the needs for education, warmth, clothing and jobs, Hawken noted.

Promosi media sosial untuk buku dan website Regenerasi.

“We have to understand that poverty doesn’t want to be fixed by privileged people; it wants to fix itself,” he said. “And the solutions to reversing global warming are actually tools; we want to create the conditions for self organization in the world. It’s what everything does, you see, look out your window, look at nature, everything creates the conditions for self organization, life creates the conditions for life. It happens in our body, it happens in nature. So really, we’re talking about regeneration as creating those conditions for the world as a whole.”

Solusi untuk mengurangi karbon di atmosfer memiliki manfaat regeneratif yang meningkatkan sistem kehidupan di planet ini, bahkan ketika pemanasan global tidak terjadi, tambahnya.

Pandangan berbeda tentang teknologi

Technologists should think differently in a world of regeneration, which includes looking to the past, said Hawken, citing the work of “Petani Empat Puluh Abad” in China, Korea and Japan. After all, regenerative agriculture is an emerging, burgeoning technology.

The climate slash regenerative movement will be the largest movement that we’ve ever seen on Earth.

“And it’s just as complicated, if not more so than any bright shiny object, including your iPhone, because you’re dealing with life, an extraordinary amount of complicated interrelationships, in the soil,” Hawken said of the community of trillions of organisms found in any given plug of earth.

Pada intinya, teknologi tidak seharusnya menjadi fokus utama; perubahan dimulai dengan mimpi, kreativitas dan niat, tambahnya. Dan dibutuhkan seseorang seperti penemu turbin angin Henrik Stiesdal to ask, “Why not?” and then to pursue a goal as “unreasonable” but game-changing as developing wind farms that float on the ocean.

“When you do an unreasonable goal, what happens is you enliven innovation, creativity and, and that’s what we need and that’s what’s happening in technology,” Hawken said.


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