Vállalati kifizetések 2024-ben: APP csalás, ISO 20022-re való felkészültség és generatív mesterséges intelligencia

Vállalati kifizetések 2024-ben: APP csalás, ISO 20022-re való felkészültség és generatív mesterséges intelligencia

Forrás csomópont: 3055825

Az új év kezdete természetes időszak arra, hogy mérlegeljük, mi vár ránk. Itt a vállalati fizetések négy kulcsfontosságú témáját tekintjük át: Authorized Push Payment (APP) csalás, működési rugalmasság, generatív mesterséges intelligencia és ISO 20022, és megvizsgáljuk, mi vár 2024-re.

Engedélyezett push fizetési csalás

Az APP-csalás elleni küzdelem 2024-ben számos szervezet napirendjén lesz.

2023-as féléves csalási jelentés
released last October showed that APP fraud cases were up 22% in the first half of 2023 compared to the first half of 2022. For various reasons, all types of organisations, from utilities and charities to councils and corporates,
are susceptible to this type of fraud. There is also the growing challenge of AI tools, given their now mainstream accessibility, being used to clone the voice and image of trusted people, such as CEOs, to authorise large payments.

Ebben az évben mutatkozik be a PSR
új visszatérítési követelmények
for APP fraud cases. For any fraudulent transactions made using Faster Payments, PSPs will now be obliged to reimburse individuals, charities and microenterprises within five working days. Most businesses, however, will not
be protected by the new rules and their focus will need to be on putting in place other controls, such as Confirmation of Payee and other authorisation checks, to mitigate APP fraud risk.

Működési rugalmasság és ellenőrzési kultúra

Operational resilience will also be front of mind. In the financial services sector, FIs will be focused on ensuring they meet the 2025 implementation deadline for the operational resilience requirements issued by the FCA and PRA in 2022. These requirements,
together with the Consumer Duty, place greater emphasis on service delivery trust and the need for end-users of banking and payment systems to have confidence in the reliability of online services. There will also be significant efforts expended on stress
testing systems and testing controls.

A vállalati világban minden szem a vállalatirányítási reformokra irányul. Nem hivatalosan UK SOx néven átdolgozott

Vállalatirányítási Kódex
is scheduled to be published in January, with the changes set to be introduced later this year. Targeted at companies with more than 750 employees, the planned changes put a greater emphasis on the need for stronger controls and
preventative measures against fraud and operational risk. We can, therefore, expect considerable corporate attention on reviewing finance systems, identifying weaknesses, and automating processes to reduce the risk of fraud and error. 

Generatív mesterséges intelligencia a pénzügyekben

Generative AI was one of the hottest topics in 2023 and will continue to dominate the agenda this year. Financial and non-financial organisations will be testing proof of concepts to optimise payment workflows using AI and the likelihood is that general
corporate adoption of generative AI will outpace that of FIs because they are not subject to the same level of regulation.

There are still challenges to overcome. Most generative AI technologies are too generic to be applied precisely for finance use cases, and training models on a company’s or FI’s data is not straightforward due to data protection constraints. There is also
significant scope for model risk and bias; if the training data is unrepresentative or of low quality, the output will similarly be biased and unreliable.

Vállalati ISO 20022 felkészültség

Finally, corporate ISO 20022 readiness will likely reach a crunch point in 2024. In 2023, the Bank of England migrated its Real-Time Gross Settlement System and high-value payment system, CHAPS; in 2024, it will start mandating the inclusion of additional
information in payment messages. From November, it will be necessary to include the purpose of payment for all property transactions, a requirement which will subsequently be extended to all CHAPS transactions.

These changes mean that corporates must update their processes and systems to ensure they are collecting the relevant data and can move it between their enterprise resource planning systems, bank portals, and other financial applications. Failure to do so
will lead to more failed payments and payments that need fixing. 2023 was notable for the lack of preparation on the part of corporates. This will need to change in 2024.

Felkészülés 2024-re

Corporate and FIs in the UK have significant work to do this year. IS0 20022 is finally here and will require corporates to pay attention to the changes it requires of them; FIs will have a key role to play in supporting this. For many organisations, there
will be new operational resilience and corporate governance requirements to meet, not to mention the growing threat of APP fraud to combat. Yet, amongst the challenges, opportunities can be found as we move into a new data-rich payment world and embrace the
latest technologies.

Írta: Anish Kapoor, az AccessPay vezérigazgatója


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