Niklaus Wirth ja kuinka talouslaskenta voi auttaa pelastamaan planeetan

Niklaus Wirth ja kuinka talouslaskenta voi auttaa pelastamaan planeetan

Lähdesolmu: 3059479

Enemmän kuin muutama tietotekniikan valaisin on valitettavasti ohittanut viime aikoina, mikä ei ole yllättävää, koska monet 1950-, 60- ja 70-luvun pioneerit ovat saavuttamassa elämänsä lopun. Yksi, joka pisti silmääni, oli
Niklaus Wirth who departed this world on New Year’s Day. He was a Swiss computer scientist, associated most with ETH Zurich, but he also had sixties Silicon Valley pedigree. He obtained
his PhD at the highly regarded  Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Berkeley, and then became Associate Professor in Computer Science at Stanford for a time.

Niklaus Wirth vuonna 1969

Wirth oli huomattava, koska, kuten
wiki-sivu hänestä
kertoo, että hän auttoi yhdeksän kielen suunnittelussa. Se on yhdeksän kieltä. On varma, ei kaikki hänen omaa työtä! Muut olivat mukana, mutta se on mahtavaa vaikuttavaa.

The first of two languages of Wirth that I have most familiarity with includes ALGOL from the 1960s, though in his case specifically the W variant which brought complex datatypes and dynamic and recursive data structures such as lists, trees and graphs to
ALGOL’s scalars and arrays. The W is important, because ALGOL W got supplanted by the more complicated and ultimately unsuccessful rival ALGOL 68 implementation. However, Wirth’s ALGOL W descendent, the Pascal programming language and ultimately the commercially
supported Delphi (built on an object-oriented version of Pascal), became highly successful algorithmic languages during the 1970s.

Wirthin omistautuminen kevyelle, helposti käytettävälle algoritmiselle ohjelmointille kiinnitti huomioni lievästi provosoivasta kommentista

sosiaalisen median viesti suositulta finanssivaikuttajalta
/trader/salkunhoitaja liittyen
Wirthin muistokirjoitus The RegisterissäHän totesi yksinkertaisesti "[Wirthiä koskeva artikkeli] oli oikeassa
paisunut ohjelmisto. Katso mitä tahansa Microsoftin tuottamaa."

Julisteen Microsoft-jibe muistutti minua äskettäin Elon Muskin vaikuttajakumppanilta lähettämästä twiitistä, joka kuului:


– Mitä teet sillä 4 kilotavulla RAM-muistilla?

– Ihmisten lähettäminen kuuhun


– Mitä teet sillä 16 Gt RAM-muistilla ja 102 % CPU:lla

– Excelillä on jossain auki valintaikkuna

Now, Microsoft are getting an unnecessarily rough ride by these commentators, though they’re big enough to take it, because in my view “bloat” is a common feature of 20th Century computing. For example, look at the virtual machines and sizeable memory/CPU
requirements of popular languages Java and Python. As applications in these and other languages modernize and scale to cloud, the bloated software becomes bloated

. The addiction then escalates by an order of magnitude when Generative AI adds to the mix, with its massive compute overheads. Key training and inference processes require powerful specialized hardware, GPUs, which are getting scarcer
and more problematic to source.

Therefore, in addition to escalating costs from inefficient use of memory and compute, particularly but not exclusively for data intensive applications, draws excess energy consumption, and creates environmental impact. Geopolitical tensions might also
arise as powerful nations and economies compete for compute, such as those at play in the South China Sea, relating to the strategic importance of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company).  

Here’s where Wirth and the finance industry comes into play. Pascal and Delphi were well utilized in financial services (note the Swiss connection!), as were other lightweight “terse” languages, while the 1970s engineers built their hyper-efficient rocket
science. Another language in which Wirth had a hand was the vector language APL, designed by Canadian Kenneth Iverson. Wirth was academic supervisor of the “interpreter for Iverson Notation,” a fundamental part of APL, aka
Morgan Stanleyn toteuttaman APL:n A:sta tuli myöhemmin K ja lopulta Q, When you see live trading prices and real-time analytics from your banks and brokers, particularly
in equities, FX and other high frequency assets, such are the languages used, lightweight, terse and very efficient.  

This matters because as we tackle the bloat problem of the software that runs the world, including the new algorithms of GenAI, it is to these types of concise, tight languages and libraries, practised and proven in finance, to which data centers, Cloud
Service Providers (CSPs), and many others will turn.

RIP Niklaus Wirth. Lopuksi lainaan kahta ajattelijaa, joiden kanssa uskon, että professori Wirth olisi ollut samaa mieltä:

– C.A.R. Hoare, “There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far

Liian suuri osa nykyaikaisista ohjelmistoista on jälkimmäistä.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Täydellisyys saavutetaan, ei silloin, kun ei ole enää mitään lisättävää, vaan kun ei ole enää mitään pois otettavaa."  

Hieman ristiriitaista maailmassa, jossa uudet ominaisuudet ja uudet ominaisuudet ohjaavat innovaatioita, mutta yksinkertaisuudesta on huomattavia etuja.


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