Andmete analüütikute hankimine, koolitamine ja säilitamine

Andmete analüütikute hankimine, koolitamine ja säilitamine

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Vajadus andmeanalüütika talentide järele

Staying abreast of current data and analytics technology and practices can help community banks maintain their inherent relationship advantages. Hiring qualified data analysts to dive deep into banking data and create meaningful analytics presents a considerable
challenge for community banking and credit union executives.

Hiljutiste Gartneri uuringute kohaselt on andmete ja analüütika inimmõõtmele keskendumisel kolm peamist atribuuti:

  • Analüütika kasutuselevõtu edendamine, töötades ärikasutajatega, et tagada ärikasutajatele juurdepääsetavus, usaldus ja asjakohasus.
  • Recognizing human involvement across the range of decision-making, from decision support to decision automation. Even the most automated decision-making process needs human involvement in its initial design and formation – and in its subsequent monitoring
    ja hindamine.
  • Analüütika juurutamise tagamisel võetakse arvesse riski mitmeid aspekte.

Siin on mõned juhised ja ülevaated, mida olen näinud asutustes üle kogu riigi, mis käsitlevad andmeanalüütika inimliku poolega seotud olulisi väljakutseid: andmeanalüütikute hankimine, koolitamine ja säilitamine.

Värbage nii traditsiooniliselt kui ka mittetraditsiooniliselt

Kogukonna pankurid ei saa sageli endale lubada täiskohaga värbajaid, kes otsiksid kolledži ülikoolilinnakuid andmeteadlaste ja tehnoloogiale keskendunud üliõpilaste jaoks, kes võivad olla huvitatud panganduse/fintechi karjäärist.

The Georgia Fintech Academy, a collaboration between Georgia’s fintech industry and the University System of Georgia, provides this service to bankers in the Southeastern U.S. They help create interest in fintech, offer appropriate technology courses, and
match students to organizations seeking resources. These connections establish linkages and insights on both sides of the table.

Kim Kirk, Chief Operations Officer of Queensborough National Bank and Trust Company, noticed a shift in students’ interest at a Georgia Fintech Academy event with talents more geared toward data analytics, machine learning, and predictive analytics which
she noted is “Somewhat different from resumes I have seen from recent college graduates in the past. Data analytics and predictive analytics are particularly interesting to me as we build out our data warehouse and mine our customer data to better understand
our customers’ financial landscape, habits, and needs.”

Traditional recruiting methods still help in the search for quality data analytics talent. Community banks can offer younger candidates a chance to learn all aspects of a bank’s business model, as opposed to one facet of banking, which is inherent in many
entry-level jobs in larger organizations. Selling this advantage to potential candidates via online recruiting tools, using current staff to recruit friends and family, and trying to convert a hire from larger competitors remain relevant hiring strategies.

Treeni eesmärgiga

Kui andmeanalüütik on palgatud, muutub koolitus kriitiliseks nii tööga rahulolu tagamiseks kui ka sisuka analüüsi tegemiseks.

Gone are the days of rotating younger new college hires through management training programs in lengthy exposures to all a bank’s functional areas. Market and competitive demands dictate these valuable resources make an impact. Instead, institutions today
should assign the new data analyst to one area within the bank with a specific pressing problem that can be solved with insightful analytics.

Partner the new employee with a Senior Business Analyst (or analyst type) who understands what results are needed. This expert can help guide the iterations of data-gathering and analysis conducted by the new hire. This solves an immediate problem approach
and provides the dual advantage of relevance and timely productivity.

Beyond this initial primary assignment, ensure the new employee takes any online banking courses your institution has access to, such as Banking 101 topics available from training vendors. And don’t forget to start the Risk and Compliance training that is
so critical to bankers in current times.

Säilitage loominguliselt

Rakendage uut mõtlemist vanale töötajate säilitamise probleemile, kuna see on seotud andmeanalüütikutega – kelle väärtus kasvab plahvatuslikult koos nende finantsteenuste kogemusega:

  • Pakkuge oma organisatsioonis selgeid ja asjakohaseid karjäärivõimalusi.
  • Mõelge juhtimisviisidele uutel viisidel.
  • Olge avatud kaug- ja paindlikele töövõimalustele, mis võivad teie panga olemasolevaid eeskirju laiendada. Sama mõtteviis kehtib ka isiklike tööruumide ja puhkusepoliitika kohta.
  • Ühendage mentorid andmeanalüütikutega, kes saavad aidata neil töötajatel navigeerida mitte ainult pangandusmaailmas, vaid ka poliitikas, mis on omane mis tahes rohkem kui kahe töötajaga organisatsioonile.

In addition to banking training, ensure your bank has the budget for the technology tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, that data analysts require to perform optimally. And allow for employees in this area to attend conferences and vendor courses to expand
their capabilities and creativity relative to new data analytics trends.

Personali leidmise aeg on nüüd käes

The race for personalization of customer experiences is well underway in banking. If community bankers don’t invest in data analysts to mine their unique data sources, they risk falling behind to the point of no recovery. The time to staff thoughtfully is


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