El nuevo y complicado sistema de transfiguración de Destiny 2 suena a parodia

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Bungie has finally detailed Destiny 2's long-awaited transmog system, and it sounds like a parody of the game's mission loops, management of multiple materials and optional microtransactions.

First up, here's the basic gameplay loop needed to grind out the materials you'll need to alter the appearance of eligible items, as per Bungie's blog:

  1. Derrota a los enemigos para ganar Synthstrand.
  2. Gasta Synthstrand en recompensas para ganar Synthcord.
  3. Convierta Synthcord en el telar de la torre en Synthweave.
  4. Usa Synthweave para convertir una apariencia de armadura desbloqueada (calidad legendaria o inferior) de colecciones en un adorno de armadura universal.

Black Armoury vendor Ada-1 has taken on transmog duties in the Tower, and you'll visit her to cash in your materials and acquire Synthcord bounties. These can relate to playing all parts of Destiny 2 - Strikes, Cruicible, Raids, Gambit etc.

"If you pick up the wrong bounty, some of the Synthstrands will be refunded if you choose to abandon it," Bungie wrote. "But not the full amount, so think carefully before abandoning!"

There's a limit to how much of the Synthweave material you can earn - 10 per class per season, although in the game's upcoming untitled season this will be lifted to 20 per class per season as a one-off.

Alternativamente, puedes gastar dinero del mundo real en más Synthweave de Eververse. Un Synthweave cuesta 300 de plata, mientras que un paquete de cinco se venderá por 1000 de plata. La plata se vende en varios paquetes, pero 500 monedas de plata cuestan £4.79 en el Reino Unido.

Finally, there's limits to which items can be transmog'd. Exotic armour can't be altered, to ensure players instantly recognise other players' gear loadouts. "Technical constraints" mean a bunch of Destiny 2 Year 1 items will also miss out, for now. There's even more about that on the Bungie blog.

Claramente, Destiny 2 no quiere que transfigures todo tu arsenal de armaduras. Y, siendo realistas, tampoco querrás hacerlo. Quizás todo esto sea muy sencillo mientras juegas, o algo que puedas dejar en segundo plano. Pero en la superficie, el anuncio de este sistema lo hace parecer mucho más restrictivo, prolijo y complicado que el que los fanáticos han estado esperando desde Destiny 1.

Fuente: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-04-23-destiny-2s-new-transmog-system-sounds-like-a-parody

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