

Quellknoten: 2685389

Webinar Dies ist nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für Unternehmen, einen gemütlichen Boxenstopp einzulegen, wie der rasante Anstieg generativer KI- und HPC-Anwendungsfälle in allen Branchen und Geschäftsbereichen zeigt.

Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen generative KI, um die Kundeninteraktionen zu verbessern, die Datenerkennung zu verbessern und Abläufe zu rationalisieren. Eines der größten Probleme, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind, ist jedoch der Bedarf an einer fortschrittlichen Infrastruktur, die Hochleistungsspeicher und beschleunigtes Computing integriert, um schnelle Erkenntnisse aus der überwältigenden Menge an generierten Daten zu gewinnen.

NAS solutions from VAST Data and accelerated computing from NVIDIA can help confront the challenges that the machine learning and deep learning applications and workloads present. Take a look at the Register's latest webinar - Bereitstellung generativer KI im Jahr 2023 - hosted by James Hayes in discussion with VAST Data's John Mao, VP, Global Business Development, and NVIDIA's Tony Paikeday, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Artificial Intelligence Systems to learn more.

Hear them undertake an interactive discussion on the key issues facing enterprises leveraging AI, consider the major infrastructure challenges as businesses race to prototype and deploy AI-powered applications into their business models. You'll also get a look at just how VAST Data and NVIDIA can provide AI solutions with validated DCX SuperPOD architectures.

Because provisioning for performance-optimized data storage systems and large scale computing infrastructure is key to serving your AI-powered business initiatives. Collaborating closely, NVIDIA and VAST Data have created the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD certification – a solution capable of virtually limitless levels of scale and performance that is also simple and resilient in operation. Together they can help any enterprise to set up GPU-powered platforms – computing, networking and storage - that easily enables AI-ready clouds whenever required.

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Gesponsert von VAST Data.


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