Slay the Spire-Entwickler veröffentlicht kostenlosen, groovigen Autobattler, bei dem Ihr Deck aus Tanzbewegungen besteht, und gibt Unity den Finger auf den Weg nach draußen: „So schlimm hast du es vermasselt“

Slay the Spire-Entwickler veröffentlicht kostenlosen, groovigen Autobattler, bei dem Ihr Deck aus Tanzbewegungen besteht, und gibt Unity den Finger auf den Weg nach draußen: „So schlimm hast du es vermasselt“

Quellknoten: 2944216

Slay the Spire-Entwickler Mega Crit hat ein neues Autobattler-Kartenspiel namens Dancing Duelists veröffentlicht. Das Spiel ist verfügbar kostenlos auf and features a cast of different characters, all with their own decks, who you level up between dance-offs with new cards and abilities. It’s way better than it has any right to be. 

Don’t get me wrong: this comes from a three-week game jam, and so the core is there but there’s little wider structure, and I ran into one or two minor glitches over several runthroughs. But this is as good a proof-of-concept as you’ll play, featuring 10 characters with unique deck styles, a range of power-ups you apply as you progress through the dance-offs, and the delicious trick of letting you get overpowered as hell. 

Mein erster Versuch war mit Disco Dan, dessen Schlüsselkarte „Spin“ heißt: Sie verursacht nur einen Schaden, erlaubt einem dann aber, eine weitere Karte auszuspielen. Wenn Sie genug davon in Ihrem Deck haben und spezielle Karten haben, die es verstärken können, können Sie drehen und drehen und drehen. Der einzige Nachteil besteht darin, dass Dan nach einer bestimmten Anzahl von Drehungen schwindelig wird und der Zug endet.

Even then that’s a simplification of how you can build-out this character. But Disco Dan and I didn’t quite mesh, and after getting absolutely walloped by some self-healing tree thing I decided to try out Boom Boxer. Now we were cooking with gas. This character is a heavy hitter with a vigor mechanic that can further buff the damage, and after winning a few dance-offs I’d added enough good cards and abilities to basically turn this thing into prime era Mike Tyson.

Boom Boxer lost one dance-off but was so overpowered by the end of the run it was almost comical. Even this was as nothing, however, next to the clown I picked next called Carnival Carry: all about playing multiple cards, my Slay the Spire knowledge meant I picked up the claw card early. And you know what? Claw is still law. I thought Boom Boxer had gotten too powerful but some lucky card picks made Carnival Carry a true terror that didn’t lose a match. It konnte nicht ein Spiel verlieren.

This sense of being unbeatable, of having a deck that just works together almost too well, is the kind of feeling you’re always chasing in deck builders. Dancing Duelists delivers a quickfire dose of this in every playthrough, with every character seemingly able to become ludicrously OP. Which I’m completely fine with: this is a fun experiment, not a competitive FPS.

Dancing Duelists hat seinen Ursprung in der jüngsten und katastrophalen Kontroverse over Unity’s pricing structure. Mega Crit hat sein nächstes Spiel in Unity entwickelt, veröffentlichte jedoch nach der Ankündigung der Änderungen im September die folgende Erklärung:

“The Mega Crit team has been hard at work these past 2+ years on a new game. But unlike with Slay the Spire, the engine we have been developing it in is Unity.

“Despite the immense amount of time and effort our team has already poured into development on our new title, we will be migrating to a new engine unless the changes are completely reverted and TOS protections are put in place.

“We have never made a public statement before. That is how badly you fucked up.”

Yowza. And Dancing Duellists is Mega Crit experimenting with the alternatives, coming from a three week game jam in the Godot engine. In fact, Mega Crit announces alongside this release that Godot is “our new official engine of choice!”

Tanzende Duellanten ist für Windows, Mac und verfügbar Linux. Mega Crit sagt, dass jeder, der für das Spiel spenden möchte, diese an diese Adresse richten sollte the Godot engine’s development fund.


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