PC Gamer Chat Log Folge 6: Gaming-Merch in Hülle und Fülle!

PC Gamer Chat Log Folge 6: Gaming-Merch in Hülle und Fülle!

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It’s another episode of the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! This week, Lauren and I are diving into the dark depths of the internet to find the most egregious videogame merch possible.

Merchandise is one of the main ways we all express our love for videogames. How else is anybody going to know I mainline Final Fantasy 14 if it’s not plastered all over my body and around my house? But not all videogame merch is made the same—some of it is well and truly cursed. Think Modern Warfare 2’s Ghost plastered on a pencil skirt.

Lauren and I talk about some of the merch we own ourselves, the type of merch we hate, and what we’d love to see more of (anything but another crew neck, please). We also decide on the ultimate miniature videogame figure: Will Pop Vinyls, Nendroids, or Tubbz come out on top? If my terrible opinions are anything to go by, I think you already know.

As always, we take a bit of time at the start to talk about what we’ve been up to this week, too. Which games have taken over our lives this week? Am I once again foolishly trying to get good at a fighting game, and is Lauren knee-deep in some RPG or cosy sim? 

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