Customer Experience-Trends im Jahr 2024: Sich ändernde Erwartungen erfüllen

Customer Experience-Trends im Jahr 2024: Sich ändernde Erwartungen erfüllen

Quellknoten: 3066199

The landscape of brand-customer relationships has shifted dramatically over the past few years, and there’s no question that customers today wield unprecedented power in this space, demanding more than ever from the financial brands with which they interact.
Indeed, expectations are at an all-time high, particularly in the customer experience (CX) arena, where customers expect excellent quality service, whenever and however they want.

In Anbetracht
90% der Kunden
behaupten, dass das Erlebnis, das eine Marke bietet, genauso wichtig ist wie ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, und das auch

CX ist für über zwei Drittel der Kundentreue verantwortlich
, it’s key that financial brands deliver on what customers are demanding. In 2024, the trajectory of CX is steering towards a more personalised, compliant, and AI-driven approach. Let’s delve into the three prominent
trends shaping the CX landscape this year:

1. Personalisierung: Verbesserung der menschlichen Note
Personalisation will remain a cornerstone of an exceptional customer journey in 2024. Whether it’s being greeted by name when they speak to a service agent, or receiving information via their channel of choice on the products and services that matches their
unique interests, almost
der Kunden erwarten von den Unternehmen, mit denen sie interagieren, eine menschliche Note, indem sie sie als Individuen erkennen und ihre Interessen kennen.

Wenn diese Personalisierung nicht vorhanden ist, werden sich Kunden woanders nach Marken umsehen, die das von ihnen gewünschte Erlebnis bieten können. Eine satte Sache

of customers get frustrated when they don’t receive a personalised experience from a brand – putting them at risk of jumping ship to a competitor. In today’s competitive market, financial brands can’t afford to miss out on customers because CX expectations
aren’t being met. Personalisation then isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ anymore – it’s a necessity in meeting customer expectations that are intrinsically tied to customer loyalty. Indeed,

60 % der Verbraucher geben an, dass sie nach einem personalisierten Einkaufserlebnis zu Wiederholungskäufern werden

Leveraging data-driven insights to tailor personalised experiences will be key in meeting this expectation in 2024. Whether it’s making use of tools such as speech and text analytics to spot trends in customer interactions or integrating CRM systems into contact
centres so agents have the most up-to-date information when speaking to customers, data insights will be invaluable in delivering CX personalisation.

2. CX verbessern und Compliance erreichen
Compliance ist im CX-Bereich mehr als nur ein Schlagwort, insbesondere in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche, wo die FCAs tätig sind
Verbraucherpflicht Der regulatorische Rahmen ist in Kraft getreten. Aber die Sicherstellung der Compliance und die Sicherstellung, dass die Bedürfnisse der Kunden an erster Stelle stehen, muss kein lästiger, bürokratischer Prozess sein.

When brands get the customer experience right, compliance naturally falls into place. With the next Consumer Duty deadline set for 31st July 2024 financial brands can work to improve CX and simultaneously meet the regulation’s requirements that requires firms
to “act to deliver good outcomes” and “sets higher and clearer standards of consumer protection across financial services” to better protect customers across the sector.

So, by delivering the service customers expect – such as personalisation – financial services brands will not only provide positive experiences for customers, but will inherently meet regulatory demands and fortify customer trust. Indeed, positive experiences
significantly influence purchasing decisions, and when customers have a good customer experience, the chances of them buying into the services and products a brand offers will increase exponentially. For instance,

74 % der Verbraucher sind allein aufgrund ihrer Erfahrungen zumindest einigermaßen wahrscheinlich, dass sie kaufen

Durch die Neuausrichtung von Compliance als positives Ergebnis der Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses können Marken die wahrgenommene Belastung durch Vorschriften abmildern und gleichzeitig diese Momente nutzen, um das Vertrauen und die Loyalität der Kunden aufzubauen.

3. KI-Verbreitung: Effizienz und Datenintegrität in Einklang bringen
Laut PwC
52 % der Unternehmen verfügen mittlerweile über eine Kundentransformationsstrategie, die KI einbezieht
. This proliferation of AI in the CX sphere presents financial brands with an avenue for streamlining transactional tasks and delivering personalised experiences at scale.
However, the success of AI-driven initiatives hinges on robust data infrastructure – to be successful, AI tools must have the data to back them up.

Indeed, game-changing technology such as AI-powered agent-assist for example, is reliant on having an array of actionable data to be truly effective. Whether this information is sourced from the likes of a CRM system or a Knowledge Base, it’s imperative that
the data is there for the AI to reliably deliver the CX customers expect.

Of course, this will raise pertinent concerns regarding data security and privacy, and addressing these apprehensions and ensuring data integrity, all while harnessing AI’s potential, entails a delicate balance. Striking this equilibrium in 2024 will allow
brands to leverage AI technologies effectively, improving the customer experience and operational efficiency without compromising data security.

Die Zukunft von CX annehmen
As customer expectations continue to evolve, brands must pivot towards customer-centricity over the next year. The combination of personalisation, compliance, and AI-driven initiatives underscores a shift in how brands engage with their audience. In 2024,
the key to success lies in leveraging these trends to forge deeper, more meaningful connections with customers, fostering loyalty and trust in an increasingly competitive landscape. Brands that navigate these developments adeptly will be poised to thrive and
drive the CX evolution in the years to come.


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