Besonderheiten von UX-Beratern und Fintech-Designern in der Bankenbranche

Besonderheiten von UX-Beratern und Fintech-Designern in der Bankenbranche

Quellknoten: 3023146

Choosing the right fintech designer and UX consultant for a financial company’s digital product is crucial for building a great service and a solid and positive financial brand image. The Pareto principle states that 20% of efforts impact 80% of
success. In terms of digital financial products, actions related to user experience (UX) have the biggest impact and often determine whether a financial service will be demanded by the customers.

Despite the fact that 87% of organisations recognize the importance of customer experience, especially when it comes to building customer loyalty, only 30% of organisations have an executive on the board accountable for customer experience. Most companies
are managing digital experience at a business unit level and don’t have strong teams of experience design specialists to bridge the gap between customer needs and their products, according to Dimension Data.

Wer sind Fintech-Designer und Financial UX-Berater?

Fintech designers and financial UX consultants specialize in designing financial technology products and services. They use their expertise in user experience design and user interface (UI) design to create innovative solutions that improve the way people
manage their finances and access financial services. Fintech designers may work on a range of products, including mobile financial apps, personal finance management tools, and online investment platforms. They collaborate with developers, product managers,
and other team members to bring financial product designs to life.

Financial UX designers are different from designers in other industries in that they must have a deep understanding of the financial industry and the specific needs and requirements of financial institutions and their customers. This includes an understanding
of financial concepts and processes, such as payments, loans, and investing, as well as an understanding of relevant regulations and technologies, such as data security and privacy laws, and blockchain and API’s. 

Financial UX designers must also be able to design systems that are easy for customers to use, but also meet the complex and often specialized needs of financial institutions. This may require designing for a wide range of user types, including retail customers,
small business owners, and financial professionals, and being able to create solutions that are suitable for each user group. In addition to these specialized skills and knowledge, financial UX designers should also possess the general skills and competencies
that are common to all UX designers, such as user research and usability testing, design thinking, and prototyping.

Many modern mobile banking, wealthtech, insurance and other financial service design examples are found on Google and Pinterest. Though the visual appearance is important, often these products turn out to be a nightmare for the customers. Due to an over-stylized
UI and complex financial information architecture, users are unable to find the necessary elements and important user scenarios.

In digital financial product design, we can divide fintech designers into two categories─those focused on the artistic side with the goal of making an impression and those who aim for a beautiful design that would meet the user’s needs and be intuitive and
einfach zu gebrauchen.

When it comes to finance, the ability to create an attractive design covers only 1% of the required competence. If you decide to hire designers who do not have enough competence and experience in human-centered fintech design it’s not possible guarantee
great product usability in sync with user expectations and the specifics of the business strategy.

Here’s an example from UXDA’s experience. A huge insurance company requested a redesign of a recently launched product. They had hired seemingly talented designers with track records in multiple domains and spent a great deal of money on creating a fancy
product that turned out to be unusable. These creative designers had made a beautiful flow with tons of pleasing illustrations and animations but it was overwhelming and distracting. From the user point of view, the process of getting insurance was a nightmare.
We were forced to start with user research in order to create an intuitive information architecture and to ensure that all flows are aligned with the user’s needs. In the end, we crafted an inspiring design that was attractive and easy to use.

To avoid this unusable beauty trap when you’re ready to hire designers, it’s handy to explore not only the social profiles of the designers but also the status and essence of their product designs. Are they launched? What are the customer reviews? What kind
of methodology do the designers have? Do they pay enough attention to the research and the engineering phase or go straight to design?

Hier sind einige Schritte, die Sie befolgen sollten, wenn Sie Fintech-Designer für Ihr digitales Finanzprodukt oder Ihre digitale Finanzdienstleistung einstellen:

1. Identifizieren Sie die spezifischen Fähigkeiten und Fachkenntnisse, die Sie benötigen

Fintech designers have a wide range of skills and expertise, including UX design, UI design, and knowledge of the financial industry. Identify the specific skills and expertise that are most relevant for your project and look for designers who have those
skills. Do designers have expert publications and case studies that confirm their competence, as well as UX and design awards?

2. Suchen Sie nach Designern mit Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche

Fintech designers who have experience and methodology in the financial industry will have a better understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in this field. This can help them create designs that are specifically tailored to the needs of financial
institutions and their customers. How extensive is their experience of working with complex financial companies that have many stakeholders and requirements, such as banks, for example?

3. Betrachten Sie das Portfolio und die Arbeitsproben des Designers

A designer’s portfolio and work samples can give you a good idea of their skills and expertise, as well as their design aesthetic and approach to problem-solving. Review these materials carefully to ensure that the designer’s work aligns with your vision
and goals. What financial products did they design, and how unique and innovative are these solutions?

4. Sprechen Sie per Videokonferenz mit dem Designer

Meeting designers via video conference can give you a better sense of their personality and communication style. This can help you determine if the designer will be a good fit for your goal and your project. Are they ready to take on any job and promise
whatever you want, or do they approach the task strategically and comprehensively analyzing it based on their experience?

5. Schauen Sie sich die Bewertungen an

Read reviews of the designer from previous clients and explore track records. This can give you insight into a designer’s work ethic, reliability, and ability to deliver on their promises. Do these reviews reflect the specifics of the task and design approach,
or is it more of an abstract praise left by friends?

Overall, when hiring fintech designers to create digital financial products and services, it is important to look for individuals who have the relevant skills and expertise, as well as a proven track record of success in the financial industry. By following
these steps, you can find the right designer to help you create innovative and user-friendly digital financial solutions.

Besonderheiten des UX-Designs in der Finanzbranche

There are cases in which a financial company decides to hire designers to create a great product, but the end result is far from perfect. This is because even a skilled design specialist might not be able to bring his A-game when it comes to the specifics
of financial services or bank digitalization.

The primary responsibilities of UX consultants and fintech designers in the banking industry include designing and improving the user experience of the bank’s digital products and services, such as its website, mobile app, and online banking platform. This
may involve conducting user research and usability testing to understand how customers use the bank’s digital products and where they encounter difficulties, and then using this information to design solutions that address those issues. 

UX consultants and designers may also be responsible for creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups to communicate their designs to developers and stakeholders, as well as working with developers to ensure that the final products are implemented
according to the design specifications. Other responsibilities may include staying up-to-date with the latest design trends and best practices, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and participating in design reviews and presentations.

In financial user experience, the smallest mistake can lead to both financial losses and loss of customer loyalty and trust. It’s extremely important to have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the specific financial product and the industry at large.
To work with financial services, it is crucial to have knowledge and experience in the specifics of this complex industry as well as user psychology behind finances.

Die Beauftragung eines UX-Designers ohne fundierte Finanzkenntnisse mag aufgrund der Möglichkeit der Kosteneinsparung kurzfristig wie ein Gewinn erscheinen, könnte aber am Ende hohe Kosten verursachen.

Zu den Hauptrisiken eines schlechten Produktdesigns in der Finanzbranche gehören:

  • Verlust von Kunden. Schlechtes Produktdesign kann zu einem schlechten Kundenerlebnis führen, was dazu führen kann, dass Kunden zu anderen Banken oder Finanzinstituten wechseln.

  • Reduzierter Umsatz. Schlechtes Produktdesign kann es für Banken schwieriger machen, mit ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen Einnahmen zu erzielen, was sich negativ auf ihre Gesamtrentabilität auswirken kann.

  • Sicherheits Risikos. Poorly designed financial products and services can be more vulnerable to security threats, such as cyber attacks or fraud. This can put customers’ personal and financial information at risk, which can lead to damage to the
    bank’s reputation and legal liabilities.

  • Vertrauensverlust. Schlechtes Produktdesign kann es den Kunden erschweren, einer Bank zu vertrauen, was sich negativ auf den Gesamtruf der Bank und ihre Fähigkeit, neue Kunden zu gewinnen, auswirken kann.

  • Regulatorische Fragen. In einigen Fällen kann ein schlechtes Produktdesign dazu führen, dass Produkte und Dienstleistungen nicht den Vorschriften oder Industriestandards wie WCAG entsprechen, was zu Geldstrafen, Klagen und anderen Strafen führen kann.

Here’s a real-life example. A certain bank had hired UX designers to redesign their mobile financial app as part of the process of the bank digitalization. Shortly after the launch, the bank’s support team received thousands of customer calls with similar
struggles. This was because an “unimportant” detail missed by the designers was actually a major element for service usability.

Der Erfolg der Finanzmarke und ihrer Produkte hängt von einem tiefgreifenden Verständnis der Besonderheiten von Finanzprodukten, Geschäftsstrategie, Marketing, Psychologie, menschlichem Verhalten und digitaler Technologie ab.

Die Rolle von Fintech-Designern beim digitalen Durchbruch

Selbst die erfahrensten Finanzdesign-Experten liefern möglicherweise immer noch nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse. Dies liegt daran, dass die Auswirkungen des Wissens und der Fähigkeiten des Designers geringer sind, wenn ihr Einfluss auf die Oberfläche des Produkts beschränkt wird.

Wenn die Designer nicht in der Lage sind, das Produkt- und Designerlebnis gründlich zu analysieren, kann dies zu einer standardisierten, nicht wettbewerbsfähigen Lösung führen. Dies erklärt, wie langweilig digitale Finanzlösungen im Prozess der Bankendigitalisierung erscheinen.

It’s important for fintech design specialists to become user-centric facilitators at every level of the company, integrating these values into the company culture and inspiring and coaching the employees to become user advocates who ensure the best possible
customer experience in finance.

Aus der Sicht eines Finanzunternehmens sind die größten Vorteile der Einstellung von Fintech-orientierten Designern im Vergleich zu traditionellen Designern:

1. Verbessertes Kundenerlebnis

Fintech designers have a deep understanding of user experience (UX) design and user interface (UI) design in the financial domain, which allows them to create financial products and services that are easy to use and intuitive. This can result in a better
overall customer experience and can help banks retain customers and attract new ones. 

2. Schnellere Markteinführung

Fintech-Designer sind in der Lage, sowohl innovative als auch realisierbare Finanzprodukte zu entwickeln, die Banken dabei helfen können, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen schneller auf den Markt zu bringen, als dies mit herkömmlichen Designern möglich wäre.

3. Erhöhte Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

Fintech-Designer können Banken dabei helfen, branchenführende Designs zu entwickeln, die ihnen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber anderen Finanzinstituten verschaffen können.

4. Größeres Wachstumspotenzial

Fintech ist ein schnell wachsender Bereich, und die Einstellung von Fintech-Designern kann Banken dabei helfen, immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein und neue Wachstumschancen zu nutzen.

5. Bessere Zusammenarbeit

Fintech-Designer arbeiten oft eng mit Entwicklern, Produktmanagern und anderen Teammitgliedern zusammen, was dazu beitragen kann, die Zusammenarbeit zu fördern und Innovationen innerhalb der Bank voranzutreiben.

6. Verbesserte Effizienz

Fintech-Designer sind in der Lage, effiziente und optimierte Designs zu erstellen, die Banken dabei helfen können, Kosten zu senken und ihre Gesamtabläufe zu verbessern.

7. Höhere Kundenzufriedenheit

Fintech-Designer konzentrieren sich auf die Entwicklung von Designs, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Finanzinstituten und deren Kunden zugeschnitten sind, was zu einer höheren Kundenzufriedenheit führen kann.

8. Verbesserte Anpassungsfähigkeit

Fintech-Designer sind mit den neuesten Technologien und Trends in der Finanzbranche bestens vertraut, was Banken dabei helfen kann, sich schnell an Marktveränderungen und Kundenbedürfnisse anzupassen.

9. Größeres Potenzial für Umsatzwachstum

Durch die Entwicklung innovativer und benutzerfreundlicher Finanzprodukte und -dienstleistungen können Fintech-Designer Banken dabei helfen, mehr Einnahmen zu erzielen und ihre Geschäftsziele zu erreichen.

The overall success of financial digital products and the financial brand often depends on the actions taken by the UX experts. The decision to hire UX designers hugely impacts the end value the customers will receive, as well as the speed at which the product
Wird implementiert werden.

To avoid the trap of limiting the power of design in financial products, fintech designers need to have the appropriate influence over the company’s inner processes. It’s also crucial that the C-level executives support the designer’s efforts and ensure
the whole team is engaged in the process of user centricity and deliver the best possible experience.

Competent fintech designers are crucial in the banking industry because they are responsible for creating the software and systems that enable banks to provide best financial services to their customers. These systems must be reliable, secure, and easy to
use, as they handle sensitive financial information and transactions. In today’s digital age, a large portion of banking is done online or through mobile apps, so it is essential for fintech designers to create intuitive and user-friendly designs that make
it easy for customers to access and manage their accounts. Additionally, fintech designers must stay up-to-date with the latest technological innovations and industry standards to ensure that the systems they create meet the needs of both banks and their customers.


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