Supercell annoncerer en trio af nye Clash-spil – Clash Mini, Clash Quest og Clash Heroes

Kildeknude: 798209

Nye Supercell-spilmeddelelser er omtrent lige så sjældne som observationer af enhjørninger.

Whilst it's common knowledge that the games industry's most successful company (TM) often has multiple projects in development, precious few survive to the stage of soft launch and even fewer attain the lofty heights of a public confirmation.

So when the Finnish developers of Clash of Clans, HayDay, Battle Beach, Clash Royale and Brawl Stars (all grossing a minimum of billion-dollars - see our unicorn list) announce a trio of titles in one day that all promise to extend their most popular franchise, you know something special is in prospect.

I dag er den dag. 

In a public post on their website and social channels, Supercell have announced three completely new additions to the 'Clash' universe in the form Clash Mini, Clash Quest and Clash Heroes. Each promise distinctly different gameplay from any previous title as highlighted in the video reveal.

From first glance it appears Clash Quest has a match-3 'Puzzles and Dragons' or 'Legend of Solgard' style feel to it, Clash Mini seems inspired by the 'auto chess' genre, whilst Clash Heroes is a full on action-RPG set in the Clash world. The diversity doesn't end with the game styles either, as this is a decidedly international affair on the creative side too, with Clash Quest being developed out of Helsinki and the latter two games being created from the Shanghai studios.

Global først

By their own admission this is a 'global first' from Supercell in terms of publicly sharing insight into games that are still early in development. Does this represent a new more prolific and more public strategy following a comparatively fallow period (by their own incredible standards at least)? Will these games be able to emulate the success of their illustrious forbears? Is this the beginning of the CEU (Clash Extended Universe)? When will these games be released? Will they even actually get released? 
All these questions remain open and you can be certain we'll be keeping a close watch to provide answers and insight. For now we can confirm this fresh 'open' approach, these three new titles, plus a final mention of several other non-Clash projects in development are all sure to make waves in the mobile games world.

hele indlægget fra er nedenfor og videooptagelser af annonceringen kan findes her.

Hej Clash fans,

Vi har nogle spændende nyheder at dele med dig!

Disse nye spil er intet som tidligere Clash-spil. Vi vil fokusere på at skabe nye måder at spille på med dine yndlings Clash-karakterer, mens vi uddyber verden gennem nye gameplay-oplevelser.

Clash-verdenen betyder meget for os hos Supercell. Det er mere end at plyndre fjender og ødelægge tårne, mere end landsbyer og arenaer og mere end de spil, vi elsker at spille. Det er en unik verden fyldt med nogle af vores yndlingsfigurer og et sted at opleve sjove og skæve episke øjeblikke... og naturligvis et væld af vanvittige kampe.

Simply put, our goal is to create games that players love and remember forever, so today's announcement is a bit special in that sense – mainly because we’ve never done anything like this before.

Vi er glade for at kunne annoncere 3 nye Clash-spil under udvikling!
Vi sætter normalt ikke fokus på spil, der er dybt i udviklingsprocessen, men i betragtning af at disse alle er Clash-spil, håber vi, at vores community finder dette lige så spændende som vi gør!

Til at begynde med ønsker vi, at Clashs fællesskab skal være en del af denne rejse. Clash ville ikke være, hvor det er i dag uden støtte fra spillere og indholdsskabere over hele verden. Med disse potentielle nye spil på vej, ønsker vi, at du skal opleve dem, efterhånden som de udvikler sig – enten direkte gennem at spille dem (for dem, der kan), og/eller gennem de fællesskaber, der vil vokse tidligt.

We want the community to know the different types of Clash games being worked on – these new games are nothing like prior Clash games. We want to focus on creating new ways of enjoying and playing with your favorite Clash characters, while deepening the world through new environments and gameplay experiences. That last part is key - we want to offer new ways of playing Clash and hope these games add on to your current gaming experience. Of course, there’s a chance you might not like these games - and that’s okay, it’s all good. We totally understand these are very different from Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. On top of offering a new Clash experience to current players, we want to broaden Clash to new audiences who haven’t experienced Clash before.

Keep in mind we’re still holding every individual Clash game against the same high standards as any of our other games. With your feedback, we think these 3 can become the great games that Clash fans deserve. If they don’t meet the standards though, we’ll kill them and move on to other attempts – related to Clash or not. For those wondering, yes, we do have other games that are being developed that are NOT Clash related. :)

Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at Clash of Clans og Clash Royale-spilholdene er 100 % adskilte fra de 3 Clash-spil (og udviklerholdene bag dem). Det betyder, at disse nye Clash-spil ikke påvirker nogen udvikling eller support til eksisterende Supercell-spil.

Hvis du er interesseret i at spille disse 3 Clash-spil, besøg og tilmeld dig for at få besked, når de er tilgængelige i dit land. Beta-spil er normalt begrænset til bestemte lande og rulles derefter ud, hvis spillet når visse (høje) standarder. Det kan tage noget tid, før spillet er tilgængeligt i dit område, og der er altid en chance for, at det bliver dræbt under betaprocessen. Uanset hvad, sætter vi pris på din tålmodighed og især din feedback, mens vi udvikler og tester disse nye spil.

Du kan også holde dig opdateret ved at følge hvert spil på Twitter:
Quest Clash
Mini Clash
Sammenstød helte

Vi ville ikke være i stand til at gøre dette uden de passionerede fællesskaber, du har bygget op omkring Clash of Clans og Clash Royale, og heller ikke uden den kontinuerlige støtte og dedikation fra alle Clash-spillere og indholdsskabere. Tak til jer alle for at være en del af denne rejse, vi håber, I er spændte på det, der endnu venter!

