位于塞舌尔的加密货币交易所 OKX 正着眼于向澳大利亚扩张

位于塞舌尔的加密货币交易所 OKX 正着眼于向澳大利亚扩张

源节点: 2551725

关闭加拿大办事处后,OKX 正寻求在亚太地区扩张。

OKX 扩展是一家位于塞舌尔的加密货币交易所,成立于 2017 年, 透露了将其加密服务扩展到澳大利亚的计划.

29月XNUMX日,交易平台 发布 一份声明表明 澳大利亚是该公司的主要增长市场。最重要的是,OKX 相信澳大利亚将成为下一次加密货币采用激增的主要地点。



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OKX 在 100 多个国家/地区提供服务,最近在马耳他和迪拜进行了扩展。


We see Australia as an indispensable part of this strategy and a key growth market. With such a strong uptake of crypto in Australia already, we’re committed to the local market and aim to build a strong local office.

OKX’s Chief Marketing Officer, Haider Rafique, claimed that the decision to expand to Australia was driven by the nation’s “huge appetite” for more crypto-related services.

What I’ve interestingly found over the last 5-6 years is that Australian retail investors certainly show a huge appetite for exploring crypto as an investment vehicle and also for trading. When I came to OKX, I certainly saw that in terms of web traffic and people from Australia trying to explore OKX services.

除了强劲的需求外,拉菲克还强调 澳大利亚人的加密教育水平很高, which he expects will ease OKX’s move into the market.

On top of that, Rafique shared his excitement about the move claiming that “the value creation <OKX> can do for Australians will ultimately lift all boats.”

目前尚不清楚该贸易公司是否已在澳大利亚许可机构 AUSTRAC 注册。

然而,OKX 似乎正在寻求进一步扩张。海德尔·拉菲克 (Haider Rafique) 证实,该公司正在 在香港申请虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)牌照。消息不久后传来 OKX 扩展 公布 它将离开加拿大.

Gile K. - 加密分析师

作者:Gile K. – 加密货币分析师,BitDegree


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