

源节点: 1773031

Nothing says Christmas quite like games with a disconcerting colonialist aesthetic. Amazon’s 新大陆 (在新标签页中打开) MMO is getting a free weekend, with prospective players invited to get a “taste of the Eternal Isle” between now and the free period’s conclusion next week.

自由的周末 昨天开始 (在新标签页中打开) and runs until Monday, December 19. If you’re tempted, you can head over to New World’s Steam page (在新标签页中打开) 如果您真的爱上了它,您可以利用标准版和豪华版持续的 50% 折扣,将其永久锁定在您的图书馆中。因为亚马逊真的很希望你购买它的游戏,所以折扣的持续时间比免费周末要长得多,将于明年 5 月 XNUMX 日结束。

New World is also getting a fancy new Azoth Edition, which is basically an ultra-deluxe version of the game. It contains the various bonus skins and emotes that the deluxe edition includes and piles in another $40-worth of cosmetic doodads on top of that. It comes with new clothes, weapon skins, a bunch of dyes, and—most importantly—a celestial hare house pet, whose fur contains the “vast expanse of the universe”. I had a gerbil like that once.

It’s been a rocky road for New World since it came out in September last year. After getting off to a flying start and some 绝对荒谬的并发玩家数量 (在新标签页中打开),游戏开始步履蹒跚,进入了今年 严峻的形势 (在新标签页中打开)。但亚马逊一直在努力,最近采取了措施 revamp the game’s beginning (在新标签页中打开) 并使其 PvP 战争更容易进行 (在新标签页中打开)。如果这个免费周末值得参考的话,那么该公司一定会觉得自己的工作已经足以改变游戏规则,值得第二次机会。

我希望亚马逊在这一点上是正确的。 《新世界》发布时有着远大的抱负,但未能实现太多目标。弗雷泽的得分为 60% 新世界评论 (在新标签页中打开), commenting that its “attempt to tick all the boxes has left it feeling scattershot and underbaked”. Well, it’s had an extra year in the oven, now, let’s hope it has something to show for it.


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