美国将引入“护栏”,确保受益于 CHIPS 法案资金的公司将其用在应有的地方

美国将引入“护栏”,确保受益于 CHIPS 法案资金的公司将其用在应有的地方

源节点: 2898850

美国政府即将开始为国内半导体制造提供高达 52 亿美元的补贴。 该资金是该项目的一部分 芯片和科学法案 乔·拜登总统于 2022 年 XNUMX 月签署成为法律。但在提供资金之前,美国商务部 引入规则 to ensure beneficiaries of the funding don’t spend it elsewhere, and it particularly doesn’t want it feeding back to China.

据报告 路透社, the proposal seeks to prevent recipients of funding from funneling money into ‘countries of concern’ such as Russia and China. A company with a global reach could theoretically engage in research or development of sensitive semiconductors in countries the US does not want to be sharing with.

这些措施旨在限制敏感技术落入坏人之手。 这包括量子计算和 AI技术、抗辐射芯片和通信设备,可用于导弹和无人机等。

这些提案禁止资金接受者在长达 10 年内扩大某些国家的半导体制造能力。

“We have to be absolutely vigilant that not a penny of this helps China to get ahead of us,” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told Congress last week.

美国政府将半导体制造视为 军备竞赛 它希望不让自己的秘密落入对手手中。

CHIPS 法案的最终目标是恢复美国的技术领先地位。 不仅仅是出于商业原因,还出于更广泛的战略原因,包括减少对亚洲制造业的依赖以及保护关键供应链。

It’s not all cloak and dagger stuff. The semiconductor shortages experienced during the Covid years showed that production bottlenecks can be devastating. From a gaming perspective, consoles were all but unavailable, GPU supply was far exceeded by demand, and even DDR5 memory was ridiculously priced at the time of its launch due to a shortage of power management chips. 



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