更新:GAO 在新报告中发现 F-35 成本和技术存在问题

更新:GAO 在新报告中发现 F-35 成本和技术存在问题

源节点: 2707501

08 June 2023


美国三军编队,由美国空军 F-35A(领头)、美国海军陆战队 F-35B 和美国海军 F-35C 组成。 (美国空军)

30月35日,美国政府问责局(GAO)发布了一份关于洛克希德·马丁公司F-13.4的报告,发现该计划未能充分解释自2019年以来成本增加了4亿美元,升级后的Block 1版本已陷入困境技术障碍和 XNUMX 亿美元的成本增加,而且美国国防部 (DoD) 尚未完全确定发动机冷却系统升级的要求。

The USD13.4 billion increase is because of greater acquisition costs, the GAO wrote. “The programme attributes the increased procurement cost to additional years of costs related to airframe and engine production, along with support costs for equipment, technical data, and training,” the GAO wrote. “According to programme officials, the programme is deferring the delivery of these 215 aircraft to later years at the request of the air force.” F-35 development costs have increased by a total of USD21.1 billion between 2012 and 2021, the GAO found. The programme’s total 77-year lifespan cost now hovers around USD1.7 trillion.

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