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LearnTechLib 搜索提醒:添加新论文 – 20 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日(“虚拟学校”)

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2023 年 8 月 21 日

LearnTechLib Search Alert: New papers added – Aug 20, 2023 (“virtual school”)

下一篇: 虚拟学校 —迈克尔·巴伯(Michael K. Barbour)@ 1:06 pm
标签: AACE, 教育计算促进协会, 网络学校, 教育, 中学, 开放奖学金, 研究, 虚拟学校


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Ebner, A. (2023). Clarity of Communication for Facilitating Change. Journal of Online Learning Research, 9(2) 133-140.

Aviva Ebner

Schools are typically highly structured institutions, so any shifts in processes can potentially generate anxiety, confusion, and even anger among staff. As such, when there is frequent change, initiatives often fail to achieve their intended goals (Beycioglu & Kondakci, 2020). Well-intentioned initiatives can go awry when not consistently implemented correctly by all staff; lack of buy-in due to confusion of how the initiative is necessary also impacts outcomes. Ensuring buy-in and consistent implementation of new initiatives can be even more challenging in virtual school environments. How changes are communicated is crucial to how they are received and to the success of their implementation…


Herrin, S.、Colson, T.、Smothers, M. 和 Minihan, C. (2023)。流行病教育:COVID-19 对印第安纳州虚拟教育的影响。在线学习研究杂志,9(2) 187-220。


本文的目的是探讨 COVID-19 大流行对印第安纳州公立学区虚拟项目的采用和认知的影响。这项混合方法序贯解释性研究重点关注印第安纳州公立学校校长和虚拟项目管理员对 COVID-19 大流行期间虚拟教育增长的看法。受试者接受了有关他们对虚拟教育的看法的调查。自愿参加在网络会议中进行的半结构化访谈的受试者。这项研究提供了印第安纳州虚拟教育状况的概况,包括学校管理人员在 2020-21 学年末的看法……


Wandix-White, D., Young, J. & Ogletree, Q. (2023). The Same But Better: Why Some Black Girls Prefer Virtual Learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 9(2) 141-161.

Diana Wandix-White; Jemimah Young; Quinita Ogletree

Black girls’ intersectionality of race and gender puts them in double jeopardy of experiencing both racial and gender discrimination in brick-and-mortar school settings. Virtual classrooms do not completely extinguish the fires that threaten to incinerate Black girls’ academic and personal growth, but for many Black girls, the advent of mass remote learning created a safe haven, fueling their confidence to address maltreatment experienced in school. Employing theoretical underpinnings of critical race feminism, this study confirms that some Black girls prefer virtual learning over traditional schooling due in part to feelings of greater physical and emotional safety when online versus on campus…


Hrastinski, S.、Akerfeldt, A. 和 Bergdahl, N. (2023)。探索学生对 K-12 同步远程教育的看法。在线学习研究杂志,9(2) 221-229。


尽管人们对同步远程 K-12 教育的兴趣日益浓厚,但关于学生如何看待此类教育的研究有限。本文探讨了学生对远程教育、导师支持、社交存在、学习和满意度的看法。分发了一项调查,从业者也可以将其用作形成性评估工具。调查结果显示,学生对同步远程教育持略微积极的态度。对导师的积极看法以及在某种程度上,参加小班授课与学生对社会存在、学习和满意度的看法相关。一些学生赞赏远程教育的灵活性和质量,尽管许多学生经历了技术和沟通挑战……


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