获得 Skyborne Legacy 免费铸币的最后机会 - 玩赚钱

Skyborne Legacy Free Mint 的最后机会 – 玩赚钱

源节点: 2768088

A free mint from Skyborne Legacy is coming up soon, but the window for landing a whitelist spot is closing fast! This mint for limited edition, special Gems and characters, has gained quite a bit of attention, and will likely be snatched up quickly.

The Skyborne Legacy mint is free, but you need a whitelist spot first. We’re a little late joining in on this party, so there aren’t too many options left. It may be possible to secure a whitelist spot through their Discord or a partner project, but the only opportunity left that I know of is via this 分享. Like, re-tweet, and tag some friends for a chance to win, though there is a lot of competition!

This event is also notable as the first free mint held on Open Sea. But perhaps there is so much interest is due to the fact that it’s actually a free mint for four NFTs! Minting one of the 3,333 Nexian Gems will grant the minter three Genesis Immortal NFTs as well!

mint Gems and Immortalsmint Gems and Immortals
mint Gems and Immortals all at once!

Mint Gems and Immortals

Nexian Gems could be considered the founder NFTs for Skyborne. Holders receive access to future whitelists and other special privileges. This collection also includes ten, 1-of-1 NFTs that will have a special game use.

Genesis Immortals are the top tier Heroes for Skyborne Legacy. Each Immortal comes with traits that will enhance their abilities and make them more powerful in game. We also have exclusive 1-of-1 Immortals as well — six to be exact. Each of these will have unique, bespoke artwork, animation, and legendary traits.

薄荷糖 opens on July 21st at 8am CDT.

《Skyborne 遗产》是什么?

Skyborne Legacy 是一款 MMORPG,由 Revolving Games 开发,并由 Animoca Brands 资助。

Skyborne 希望打造一系列游戏,并已计划三个阶段。第一阶段是 Sky Genesis,这是一款基于浏览器的迷你游戏,玩家的选择会影响游戏世界。 Sky Genesis 的参与者有机会获得收藏品和奖励,这些收藏品和奖励可以在未来转移到其他游戏中。之后是一款名为《凤凰飞行》的移动奇幻冒险游戏。计划中的系列中的第三部将是《Skyborne Legacy》,这是一款成熟的 MMORPG。

该团队在其 Discord 服务器上定期发布开发更新。

要了解有关 Skyborne Legacy 的更多信息,请访问他们的 官网,请跟随他们 Twitter,并加入他们的 Discord.

concept art for Skyborneconcept art for Skyborne
concept art for Skyborne

Phil Hall 自出生以来一直是游戏爱好者,自 2017 年以来一直是加密货币爱好者。他喜欢新发现,并通过博客和摄影与他人分享这些发现。 你可以在 Twitter 上关注他或在 Medium 上阅读他的其他文章。


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