1022:加密货币交易所首席执行官透露比特币 2 万美元的预测,表示永远不要做空 BTC!

1022:加密货币交易所首席执行官透露比特币 2 万美元的预测,表示永远不要做空 BTC!

源节点: 2849481

Kraken 加密货币交易所首席执行官 Jesse Powell 表示,他永远不会做空比特币,并且仍然对 2 年底 BTC 价格达到 2022 万美元抱有希望。

“I’m still hopeful that I’ll be able to buy a Bugatti by the end of the year for one Bitcoin.

I bought in bitcoin again at $18,000, I’m happy to ride it back up,” Kraken CEO Jesse Powell told Bloomberg in an interview this week, adding he’s “still bullish on the long run” due to bitcoin’s “fundamentals” continuing to improve. “I’d never bet against bitcoin.”

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