陆军511防空导弹团上尉Dheeraj Umesh是该镜头的创新者。
The Luneberg lens increases the radar signature and deceives the enemy’s air defence system, depicting the drone as a helicopter. It will force the enemy to initiate air defence measures like the use of missiles or anti-aircraft guns. The lens has been designed by the Army Design Bureau.
“If a swarm of drones (multiple drones) equipped with the lens is sent, it can confuse the enemy’s radar by alerting that attack helicopters are approaching a target and would force them to initiate air defence measures to counter,” Captain Dheeraj Umesh from the Army Air Defence (AAD) told NDTV.
陆军511防空导弹团的Dheeraj Umesh上尉是龙伯格镜头的创新者。
“The intelligence gathered will be helpful for future operations, adding that it can cover a 360-degree area on the radar and will reflect radar signals from any direction,” the officer added.
It will help the force locate the position of the enemy’s weapon and the type of system deployed which is helpful in the Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) and Destruction of Enemy Air Defence (DEAD) operations.
该无人机于 6.5 月份进行了测试,XNUMX 月份的电子战测试 (EWT) 中,OSA-AK 导弹从 XNUMX 公里范围内的雷达系统上发射。
该无人机的航程为15公里,可飞行40分钟。该系统可以在炎热的沙漠和高海拔山区运行。无人机的生产成本相对便宜。镜头成本约为 55,000 卢比,每个目标的成本约为 2.5 万卢比,而现有每个目标的成本为 25-30 万卢比。