距离《家园 3》还有一段时间,但经典游戏的重制版现在可以免费保留

距离《家园 3》还有一段时间,但经典游戏的重制版现在可以免费保留

源节点: 2787520

《家园 3》原定于 2022 年发布,后来推迟到 2023 年,然后又再次推迟 进入2024. All up that’s a substantial delay, but it has offered ample time to catch up on earlier instalments, at least. Now’s an especially good time to do that, because the Homeworld Remastered Collection has just hit the 史诗游戏商店, and to dramatically sweeten the deal it’s free-to-keep for a limited time.

The Homeworld Remastered Collection includes spit-polished versions of the first two Homeworld games, in addition to the original untouched versions. There’s also access to the Homeworld Remastered multiplayer beta, and yes, it has crossplay with the Steam version. If 你添加它 to your Epic Games library before August 2, you’ll get it free, and keep it forever.

2015 年发布时, 我们的评论家描述了《家园重制版》 as “a worthy upgrade to one of the best strategy games ever”. In addition to being a great strategy game, it’s also an emotionally charged space opera with a real sense of intergalactic existential dread about it. The aforementioned review noted that the “campaign stands today as the most effective use of the RTS as a storytelling tool”.

While Homeworld 3 has been in development for a long time, studio Blackbird Interactive seems to be making pretty good progress. Tyler recently noted the game’s 非常详细的单位叫声方法例如,它更像是体育评论,而不是你可能已经厌倦的《魔兽争霸》中的敷衍咕哝。 

And anyway, all those delays aren’t a sign of a tumultuous development, so says Blackbird Interactive (though I guess they would say that). “This work takes time,” the studio wrote in May, “especially when we are raising the bar on what players will experience in the Homeworld universe.”


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