

源节点: 2927793


于 2022 年 30 月启动,多达 XNUMX 家银行与基础设施提供商 Bizum、Iberpay 和 Redsys 合作运行了 PoC,旨在深入分析数字欧元及其技术、运营和业务影响。与现有支付工具共存。


该财团表示,研究结果为数字欧元设计指明了道路,该设计将利用现有的支付轨道和增值服务,例如西班牙即时支付平台 Bizum。

“In particular, Bizum would be prepared to interconnect with other potential European services. Its existing mechanisms for user registration, portability processes between different financial entities, authentication, transaction processing, fraud prevention and management, along with other available services or standards (eg instant payments), could be leveraged to ensure the same level of guarantees, security, and privacy offered by current payment methods in a future digital euro,” states the consortium. “Additionally, this approach could help reduce the significant effort required for deploying an entirely new infrastructure and the adaptations to be performed by market participants.”



“In this regard, the PoC has highlighted the importance of defining an equally simple user experience for offline payments, which would be the main differentiating factor of the digital euro compared to existing solutions.”


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