参加我们的大师班网络研讨会:“如何交易金融市场”| 4年05月2023日

参加我们的大师班网络研讨会:“如何交易金融市场”| 4年05月2023日

源节点: 2612670

Join the first webinar of the Orbex Exclusive Trading Masterclass series: “How to Trade the Financial Markets” with leading industry expert Daniel John Grady.  

大师班 728 x 90 [EN]

Register to join our live webinar on Thursday, May 4th, 2023, at 12pm GMT and watch an experienced trading professional demonstrate proven trading strategies and techniques in real-time.   

During this one-hour webinar, Daniel will go through the most important market principles, trading concepts, and technical trading strategies. He will guide you through proven trading techniques and illustrate his ideas using real-time and historical charts to give you a realistic view of how trading can work for you, with an open forum to ask questions throughout the presentation. You’ll discover how each market operates, what drives it, and most importantly how you might capitalize on its movements. 


✅ Major market principles and trading strategies     

✅ How to use charting tools and identify market cycles   

✅ Understanding market trends and consolidations  


本次网络研讨会是 Orbex Trading Masterclass which was designed to help you go from beginner to professional trader in 7 live webinars. Orbex 大师班免费参加,涵盖外汇、股票、指数、加密货币、商品和期货差价合约交易最重要的交易原则、技术和策略。 从了解市场事件如何影响不同市场,到观看实时应用的独家交易策略并回答您的问题,Orbex Masterclass 为您提供由业内最著名的市场分析师和交易教练提供的全面免费交易课程。 

Orbex Trading Masterclass courses will run from May to June 2023 and will give you the opportunity to earn a free Certificate in Online trading, provided you have completed the entire series and respective quizzes.  

立即点击以下链接注册 Orbex 交易大师班!  


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