

源节点: 3019855

美国表示 两艘货船 红海的一些国家遭到从也门境内发射的导弹和无人机的袭击。


“We are aware that something launched from a Houthi-controlled region of Yemen struck this vessel which was damaged, and there was a report of a fire,” a U.S. defense official told a news agency December 15.

遭到袭击的集装箱船名为 Al Jasrah,属于赫伯罗特 (Hapag-Lloyd),悬挂利比里亚国旗。赫伯罗特发言人表示,这艘船是从希腊前往新加坡的。他补充说,袭击事件没有造成人员伤亡,该船将再次驶往新加坡。


Jake Sullivan, the U.S. national security adviser, said Houthis are a “material threat” to commerce and shipping operations in the Middle East. He also said that Iran bore responsibility for the attacks, saying “While the Houthis are pulling the trigger, so to speak, they’re being handed the gun by Iran. Iran has a responsibility to take steps themselves to cease these attacks, because these attacks, as I said before, are a fundamental threat to international law and international peace and security.”


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