Chainlink 到 Power Polygon zkEVM 的数据源 - The Defiant

Chainlink 为 Polygon zkEVM 提供数据源 – Defiant

源节点: 3059258

Polygon 开发人员现在可以利用 Chainlink 的实时数据点来为 dApp、流动性协议和去中心化交易所提供支持。

链环, a crypto oracle provider that’s processed a total value of $9 trillion, has announced today its data feeds are live on Ethereum Layer 2 Polygon zkEVM。

Bridging Chainlink and Polygon will now allow for DEFI developers to pull external information from Chainlink’s more than 900 oracles, plug it into their projects, and enable real-time data points to power decentralized exchanges, liquidity protocols, along with other DeFi applications.

Polygon Labs 首席执行官 Marc Borion 在与 反抗。

据 Coingecko 称,LINK 今天上涨了 5% 以上,而 MATIC 则持平。

今天的消息进一步巩固了 zkEVM 在以太坊第 2 层生态系统中的地位。

Rollups work by bundling together transactions on Layer 2 networks and submitting them to the 以太坊 mainnet in batches for finalization, enabling faster and cheaper transactions. The most popular L2s are optimistic rollups, which offer high compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine — Ethereum’s core smart contracts engine — but require a seven-day delay in withdrawals for fraud detection.

相比之下,汇总由 零知识证明 typically offer greater privacy and faster finalization at the expense of EVM compatibility, meaning developers cannot port their code from mainnet as easily.

Chainlink 和 Polygon 在 2023 年表现出色,这两个项目在 DeFi 生态系统和传统金融领域都取得了长足的进步。

六月,Chainlink announced CCIP, a cross-chain interoperability protocol that would integrate with Swift network. Polygon’s zkEVM, which went live in March this year, has announced gaming partnerships with Immutable and other projects.


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