《吸血鬼:避世血统 2》游戏玩法揭晓,将于“未来几个月”登陆 PS5

《吸血鬼:避世血统 2》游戏玩法揭晓,将于“未来几个月”登陆 PS5

源节点: 3090229

Chinese Room 今天重新亮相,为即将推出的 RPG 提供了新的游戏玩法 吸血鬼:化妆舞会 - 血统2. Long in development, this is the first opportunity to see it in action in quite some time, with two videos published. A deep dive into the game’s mechanics and setting is provided by members of the development team, as a mission early in the campaign becomes the focus. A press release states the title will be launching for PS5 “in the coming months”.

Creative director Alex Skidmore said: “The gameplay and action of Bloodlines 2 is a sort of dance. As players explore the world, soak in the atmosphere, and make strategic choices, they affect their relationships with the characters around them. Players can choose their legend, but the world is dynamic, and characters will remember how you treat them. Think carefully, and trust no one.”



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