Tedarik Zinciri Planlamasını Yeniden Tasarlayın

Tedarik Zinciri Planlamasını Yeniden Tasarlayın

Kaynak Düğüm: 3063009

Supply chain’s planning complexities are constantly shifting and growing. Leaders need to look beyond conventional solutions and re-imagine how their organization plans with the power of Blue Yonder’s cognitive planning suite. Cognitive planning is the next evolution of cloud-native SaaS planning solutions, combining Blue Yonder’s market-leading planning technology and IP with Snowflake’s powerful data management capabilities to take business planning accuracy and speed to the next level. It empowers businesses to realize their performance objectives in an increasingly complex and volatile environment by being aware of critical events and prescribing solutions to manage risks and opportunities in both demand and supply, improving planner productivity and supply chain resilience.  

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