To neopazno podjetje iz Berlina je najbolj dejaven vlagatelj v nove samoroge do sedaj leta 2023

To neopazno podjetje iz Berlina je najbolj dejaven vlagatelj v nove samoroge do sedaj leta 2023

Izvorno vozlišče: 2801926

Editor’s note: Data is from Plošča Crunchbase Unicorn, a curated list that includes private unicorn companies with post-money valuations of $1 billion or more, based on disclosed fundings in Crunchbase. 

When you consider the investors putting money into new unicorn startups, maybe you think of storied Silicon Valley names like Redwood Capital in Manjši Perkins, or large New York firms like Tiger Global in Partnerji Insight that in recent years have dominated startup investment.

But in another sign of how much the market tides have shifted, the top investor leading rounds for new unicorn startups so far this year is none of those. Instead, it’s a relatively small, under-the-radar investor based in Berlin.

Investicijska družba v zgodnji fazi b2venture was the most active investor in new unicorn startups in the first half of 2023, Crunchbase data shows. The firm participated in nine funding rounds across three new unicorn startups — a significant portion of the only 44 total new unicorns minted in H1 2023.

B2venture is followed by multistage venture firms Kazalo Podjetja, Google Ventures in Andreessen Horowitz — all tied for the rank of second-most active, with eight investments each in the new unicorns that joined Plošča Crunchbase Unicorn v prvi polovici leta 2023.

This lineup looks very different from the firms that amassed a huge portfolio of unicorn companies in the last few years — namely Tiger Global, Accel, Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia.

Of these four firms, Andreessen Horowitz still made the leading H1 2023 list, with three portfolio companies and eight investments in this batch.

B2venture also stands out on this list for investing in all three of the newly anointed unicorns from Germany so far this year. It has also been a consistent investor in these new unicorn companies. The firm started investing as early as 2009 and continued into 2023 in translation company deepl, fintech Rozine and sustainable energy company 1 točka 5°, with initial investment at seed or Series A and participation in follow-on funding rounds.

Dolgo 80%

New unicorn counts fell 80% year over year in the first half of 2023, with just 44 companies earning that title — a far cry from the 251 companies that joined the Unicorn Board in H1 2022 and the 295 in H1 2021. The decline in new unicorns underscores the precipitous decline in late-stage financings v zadnjih 12 mesecih.

The U.S. remains the largest market for new unicorns. Of this year’s new unicorn companies, half are headquartered in the U.S., a quarter are in China, and six are based in Europe.

The AI moment

For the new batch of unicorns the leading sector was — no surprise — AI. Companies in the sector make up 25% of new unicorns this year.

Corporate investors have been actively investing in AI. Nvidia and its venture arm NVentures combined have participated in five investments in newly minted AI unicorn companies this year. Another corporate investor, Podjetja Salesforce 1, participated in funding three of these AI unicorn companies in 2023.

Consistent investors

Other consistent investors include Index Ventures in Koher and Raisin; Google Ventures in Prijazno telo in Pisava; Andreessen in KoBold Metal in Replic; A.CapitalVentures in; plašč in Naša naslednja energija; MMC Ventures in Sinteza, Frees Fund in Bluepha; Aqua Spark in eRibištvo; AlbionVC in HSBC in QuantexaIn Valor Equity Partners in S3 Ventures in atmosfera.

These investors stand to gain the most from potential future exits as they continue to invest to maintain their equity stakes in some of their most highly valued companies.

Veliki vložki

Despite their more recent pullback in unicorn investing, lead investors who have built a large portfolio of highly valued private companies won’t lose their perch as the most active investors anytime soon. Consider that Tiger Global still has the highest count of current unicorn portfolio companies with more than 220 (though it’s reportedly working to offload some of its stakes.)

While Tiger Global has a much larger unicorn count in highly valued private companies when compared to other leading investors, those firms still have massive unicorn portfolios of their own. Andreessen Horowitz, for example, has 108 unicorn portfolio companies, per Crunchbase. Insight Partners has 107. And Sequoia Capital and Accel each have around 100 current unicorn portfolio companies.

These companies’ rankings likely will not shift anytime soon, as a smaller number of new unicorns join the herd in the current market. But each of these firms still has a lot of value tied up in private markets — and each is no doubt eagerly waiting for the IPO market to open once again.

Sorodne poizvedbe o samorogu Crunchbase


Plošča Crunchbase Unicorn je kuriran seznam, ki vključuje zasebna podjetja samoroga z vrednostmi po denarju v višini 1 milijarde dolarjev ali več in temelji na podatkih Crunchbase. Nova podjetja so dodan na tablo Unicorn ko v okviru kroga financiranja dosežejo mejo vrednosti 1 milijarde dolarjev.

Tabla samoroga ne odraža notranjih vrednotenj podjetja – na primer tistih, določenih s postopkom 409a za delniške opcije za zaposlene –, saj se te razlikujejo in so bolj verjetno nižje od kroga financiranja s ceno. Prav tako ne prilagajamo vrednotenj na podlagi odpisov vlagateljev, ki se spreminjajo četrtletno, saj različni vlagatelji ne bodo dosledno vrednotili istega podjetja v istem četrtletju.

Financiranje podjetij samorogov vključuje vsa zasebna financiranja podjetij, ki so označena kot samorogi, kot tudi tistih, ki so medtem prešla na Izpuščena tabla samoroga.

Upoštevajte, da so vse vrednosti financiranja navedene v ameriških dolarjih, razen če ni drugače navedeno. Crunchbase pretvori tuje valute v ameriške dolarje po prevladujočem promptnem tečaju od datuma poročanja o krogih financiranja, prevzemih, IPO in drugih finančnih dogodkih. Tudi če bi bili ti dogodki dodani Crunchbaseu dolgo po napovedi dogodka, se transakcije v tuji valuti pretvorijo po zgodovinski promptni ceni.

Ilustracija: Dom Guzman

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