Cameron Winklevoss iz Geminija pravi, da SEC zavrača odobritev promptnega Bitcoin ETF-ja, zaradi česar je neuspešen regulator

Cameron Winklevoss iz Geminija pravi, da SEC zavrača odobritev promptnega Bitcoin ETF-ja, zaradi česar je neuspešen regulator

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V ostri kritiki ameriške komisije za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) je Cameron Winklevoss, soustanovitelj borze kriptovalut Gemini, obsodil regulativni organ zaradi desetletnega zavračanja odobritve promptnega sklada, s katerim se trguje na borzi (ETF).

In a Sunday tweet, the crypto guru claimed that the SEC’s actions have been detrimental to U.S. investors and demonstrated its failure as a regulator. Winklevoss’s statement came on the 10th anniversary of his initial filing for the first spot Bitcoin ETF .

V preteklih letih je SEC večkrat zavrnil predloge za promptne Bitcoin ETF, s čimer je vlagateljem onemogočil možnost dostopa do enega najuspešnejših sredstev v zadnjem desetletju. Winklevoss je trdil, da je imela ta zavrnitev znatne negativne posledice, saj je vlagatelje prisilila v alternativne poti, ki ponujajo neoptimalne možnosti. Natančneje, kot odličen primer je izpostavil Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC).

According to him, the SEC is a failed regulator because it “‘protected’ investors from the best-performing asset of the last decade -pushed investors into toxic products like the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which trades at a massive discount to NAV and charges astronomical fees.”

Poleg tega je Winklevoss poudaril, da je zavrnitev SEC, da odobri promptne Bitcoin ETF-je, potisnila promptno dejavnost Bitcoin na morje in jo preusmerila na nelicencirana in neregulirana mesta. Ta trend predstavlja potencialna tveganja za vlagatelje, ki želijo biti izpostavljeni kriptovaluti, vendar so prisiljeni delovati v manj varnem okolju.

Winklevoss accused the SEC of indirectly leading investors into the arms of FTX . This cryptocurrency exchange was embroiled in one of the largest financial frauds in modern history. In his view, by failing to provide a regulated avenue for investors to access Bitcoin through spot ETFs, the SEC inadvertently directed them to less trustworthy platforms, exposing them to more significant risks.

Ob pozivu k ponovni oceni pristopa SEC je Winklevoss predlagal, da bi se regulativni organ osredotočil na svoje temeljne odgovornosti zaščite vlagateljev, spodbujanja poštenih in urejenih trgov ter olajšanja oblikovanja kapitala. S tem bi SEC lahko dosegel veliko boljše rezultate za ameriške vlagatelje.

This critique from Winklevoss comes in the wake of recent statements by the SEC that ETF filings by BlackRock and others were “inadequate”. SEC Chair Gary Gensler has expressed concerns over investor protection, market manipulation, and the need for robust regulatory oversight before greenlighting such products, stating last month that “ There’s nothing about the crypto securities markets that suggests that investors and issuers are less deserving of the protections of our securities laws.”

However, Gensler’s assertions have been heavily criticized, with industry players accusing him of overreaching his mandate under U.S. securities laws. Notably, in the past few weeks, calls for his sacking have increased , with pro-crypto congressman Warren Davidson filing a bill last month to reform the SEC and remove the “tyrannical Chairman” Gary Gensler.

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