Predhodno poročilo o nesreči Texas Tesla ugotavlja, da Autosteer ni bil na voljo ob cesti, kjer sta umrla oba potnika

Izvorno vozlišče: 1852644

Ameriški nacionalni odbor za varnost v prometu (NTSB) je objavil a predhodno poročilo into last month’s fatal crash involving a 2019 Tesla Model S in Texas.

The crash happened at approximately 21:07 local time on 17 April this year. Two men entered the car, one in the driver’s seat and the other in the front passenger seat (according to home security camera footage).

Tesla je nato odpeljala, prevozila približno 167 metrov, preden je v ovinku zapeljala s ceste, zapeljala čez robnik, trčila v odtočni prepust, dvignjen jašek in drevo, ugotavlja poročilo.

A fire started in the Tesla’s battery, which had been damaged in the crash. The conflagration destroyed the car, including the storage device housed in the infotainment console, although the restraint control module (which records data relating to the vehicle’s speed, acceleration, belt status and airbags) was recovered and is being evaluated, NTSB added.

V nesreči in požaru sta bila smrtno poškodovana oba potnika. Voznik je bil star 59 let, sopotnik pa 69 let.

“The NTSB’s investigation of the crash is ongoing, and investigators continue to gather information including data to analyze the crash dynamics, postmortem toxicology test results, seat belt use, occupant egress and the post-crash fire,” the report added.

Razbitine teksaške nesreče Tesle

Odkrita razbitina po strmoglavljenju kaže hudo škodo zaradi požara (slika: NTSB)

Organi komentiral takrat pripomnil, da položaj trupel po trku kaže, da vozila ni vozil nihče, čeprav je šef Tesle Elon Musk tweeted da obnovljeni dnevniki kažejo, da avtopilot ni bil omogočen.

Musk also pointed out that lane lines were required for “standard” Autopilot. In its report, the NTSB stated: “The roadway was equipped with streetlights but did not have lines to define the travel lanes.”

Zadevna Tesla je bila opremljena z avtopilotom, ki zahteva vključitev tako sistema za nadzor prometa kot tudi sistema za samodejno krmiljenje. Prvi je poskočni tempomat, ki se ukvarja s pospeševanjem in zaviranjem, drugi pa pomaga pri ohranjanju voznega pasu. NTSB je na testih z vzorčnim avtomobilom pokazal, da tudi slednji na tem delu ceste ne more biti vpleten.

Tesla’s Autopilot has come in for criticism, most recently by the US Consumer Reports organisation, which found it was possible to use the system brez človeka sedel za volan in a Model Y. Musk’s boasts regarding the self-driving capabilities of Teslas have also recently been pod drobnogled Kalifornijski oddelek za motorna vozila (DMV).

The DMV’s concern was around communication to the public regarding the true capabilities of Tesla vehicles and ensuring that customers understood the limits of the technology. A number of fatal crashes have been attributed to over-reliance on vehicle automation by drivers.

As for last month’s accident, the NTSB is continuing to work to determine the probable cause “with the intent of issuing safety recommendations to prevent similar crashes.” The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Tesla are supporting the NTSB with the investigation.

A parallel investigation by the Harris County Texas Precinct 4 Constable’s Office is also under way. ®


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