OP Nessie Materia Hop-Up uničuje Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Event

OP Nessie Materia Hop-Up uničuje Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Event

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Večina Apex Legends skupnost verjame, da dodatek OP Nessie Materia v dogodku Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth uničuje igro.

Respawn Entertainment in Square Enix sta sodelovala, da bi prinesla monumentalen crossover dogodek v Apex Legends ob praznovanju prihajajoče izdaje Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. Sodelovanje ni prineslo le Kozmetika po navdihu Final Fantasy v igro, vendar je tudi predstavil Materio v Apex Legends. Eden od časovno omejenih skokov omogoča igralcem priklicati Nessie da napadajo svoje nasprotnike.

Quickly, everyone’s love for Nessie morphed into hate.

The Red Materia hop-up allows players to summon Nessie in Apex Legends. The small, glowing orb from Final Fantasy VII is available for a limited-time in the BR Takeover and can be found from ground loot or the event’s Cactuar Ticks.

Kljub navdušenju nad dogodkom Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth so številni igralci naveličani ukvarjanja z Nessiesji. Od vseh razpoložljivih poskokov Materia je Nessie najbolj OP.

V novi temi o Apex Legends subredit, one user stated that the Nessies are ruining the collaboration. “Who thought it was ok to make clairvoyant enemy alert systems, that hunt down anyone within your half of the map and are able to climb literally anywhere,” they wrote. “It is absolutely impossible to outplay them so you morajo waste your ammo on them.”

Dejansko je naleteti na Nessie v LTM težka naloga, še posebej, ko napadajo tudi padle igralce. Seveda so Nessies odlični, ko so na vaši strani, ko pa morate skrbeti za njihov napad in vaši sovražniki napadejo, naredi igro malo manj prijetno.

The top comment on the thread furthered, “They’re definitely a super toxic hop up lol. I think the worst part is that they can thirst/grief you when you’re down or your teammates are down.”

Tisti, ki so razburjeni zaradi maskot aimbottinga, se bodo morali ukvarjati z njimi, dokler se dogodek Apex Legends x Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth ne zaključi 30. januarja.

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