Mastercard integrira Vestine rešitve goljufij v Gateway Services

Mastercard integrira Vestine rešitve goljufij v Gateway Services

Izvorno vozlišče: 2649677

Glede na to, da bodo trgovci leta 48 po ocenah utrpeli več kot 2023 milijard ameriških dolarjev goljufij v e-trgovini po vsem svetu – 22 % tega v Aziji[1] – je Mastercard danes napovedal razširitev svojega partnerstva z Vesto, vodilnim svetovnim proizvajalcem zaščite pred goljufijami pri plačilih.

Na podlagi obstoječega sodelovanja obeh podjetij pri odkrivanju goljufij bo Mastercard v svojo platformo Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MGPS) integriral zanesljivo rešitev za ocenjevanje tveganja Payment Guarantee™ in Payment Protect podjetja Vesta. Od druge polovice leta 2023 bodo stranke MPGS v azijsko-pacifiški regiji dobile izbirni dostop do obeh rešitev za boj proti goljufijam, ki bi nudile popolno zaščito za njihove transakcije e-trgovine in znižale stroške goljufij na nič.

With 200+ global acquirer connections, and the ability to seamlessly process safe, secure payments in 170+ currencies across 30+ payment methods online, in-person or in-app, MPGS is a powerful omnichannel payments platform that enables merchants – large and small – to easily accept a payment from anywhere in the world, helping businesses to grow and expand into new markets.

“To provide MPGS customers with the toughest, most impenetrable fraud protection available, Mastercard is committed to nurturing strategic partnerships with the most trusted service providers in the payments, technology and security industries – like Vesta,” said Sandeep Malhotra, Executive Vice President, Products & Innovation, Asia Pacific, Mastercard. “Through this first-of-its-kind solution combining the scale and reach of MPGS with Vesta’s unrivalled fraud protection powers in a single integration, merchants can enjoy the peace of mind – and extra time in their day – that comes from knowing that their eCommerce transactions are fully protected from fraud and financial risk.”

Z Vesta Payment Guarantee™ so transakcije 100-odstotno zagotovljene pred goljufijami. To pomeni, da če goljufivo naročilo, ki ga je odobril Vestin strog mehanizem za ocenjevanje tveganja, prestane postopek zaključka, bo Vesta prevzela celotne stroške transakcije. Z odpravo trgovčevega tveganja in odgovornosti zaradi goljufivih povratnih bremenitev zniža njihove stroške goljufij na nič, kar jim omogoča, da se osredotočijo na rast svojega spletnega poslovanja, namesto da bi sami poskušali zaustaviti napade goljufij.

From the moment a customer selects “Place order” to the final order confirmation, Payment Guarantee™ is fast, frictionless and accurate, analyzing thousands of individual signals across the user journey to uncover fraud patterns while simultaneously increasing approvals of legitimate online sales, driving revenue growth.

“Our promise: Every approved transaction is covered by Vesta’s 100% fraud chargeback guarantee. If we’re wrong, it’s on us. We are excited to enable all MPGS customers and their businesses to focus on what matters – growing sales without the fear of fraud,” said Shabab Muhaddes, SVP and GM APAC for Vesta.

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