Lastno zemljišče NFT v ERTHA Metaverse in ustvarjanje življenjskih prihodkov

Izvorno vozlišče: 1075115

Own NFT Land in ERTHA Metaverse and Generate Lifetime Revenue |

Ertha metaverse is Heroes of Might and Magic game-type inspired economic and social life built on Binance Smart Chain to explore and investigate the world by choosing specializations and increasing the strength of your NFT and country.

Ertha’s globe consists of 350,000 HEX land plots, represented as NFTs. By owning a HEX land plot, you will get a cash-back for every transaction in $ETH as a landowner.

Igra je zasnovana tako, da posnema okolje v resničnem življenju in simulira dejanja, ki jih morajo ljudje izvesti, da bi zaslužili za preživetje.

  • ERTHA is created to inspire economic and social growth, investigate the new world, level up and engage in the NFT market.
  • ERTHA’s Alfa took 17,000+ code commits and 30,000 hours of writing program code to develop.
  • Zemljevid ERTHA je razdeljen na šesterokotnike NFT - igralci lahko prosto izberejo, kje živeti, študirati ali delati in zaslužiti žetone $ ETH.
  • ERTHA land HEX je izjemno dragocen NFT - na desetine podjetij in igralcev plačuje davke v ETH.
  • Teritorialni spori in mednarodni konflikti povečujejo vrednost NFT.
  • ERTHA metaverse political influence and management of territory is controlled with DeFi instruments (i.e. smart contracts) throughout the financial epicenters in the game. Political influence introduces a number of advantages for NFT holders, circulated by the $ETH token.
  • Unique gaming experience through the combination of both traditional core game and blockchain, DeFi mechanics.
  • ERTHA land NFT is a Fully decentralized, non-fungible token (NFT) asset ownership.
  • Built on Binance Smart Chain with a governance model, providing players ultimate level of political control.
  • Cene NFT rastejo, digitalna metaverza ERTHA cveti.


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