Integracija CRM in e-poštnega trženja za močne rezultate | Cannabiz Media

Integracija CRM in e-poštnega trženja za močne rezultate | Cannabiz Media

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Integracija vašega upravljanje odnosov s strankami (CRM) in email marketing efforts can drive incremental results for every cannabis business and ancillary business today. Why? Because integration leads directly to better results, and the data proves it! 

For example, research shows that email marketing messages sent through a CRM database are 40x bolj učinkovito pri privabljanju strank in zaključevanju prodaje kot Facebook ali Twitter.

A CRM tool lets you gather customer (and prospective customer) data in a centralized location so you can understand them better, including who they are and their relationship and communication histories with your brand and business. An email marketing tool lets you use that information to better engage those prospects and customers with more targeted, personalized communications that actually matter to them and motivate them to take action (e.g., buy, attend a webinar, download an ebook, and so on). 

Customer relationship management and email marketing are a powerful combination. Email marketing gives leads and customers a way to interact with your business or brand that your CRM tool can capture and track. You can then leverage that data to send better messages to the right people in the future, close more deals, retain more customers, and boost your overall ROI.

CRM and email marketing go should work together, not separately. Each will work alone, but together, they’re so much more powerful.

POVEZANO BRANJE: Kako skupine za prodajo in trženje B2B uporabljajo e-pošto in CRM za pridobivanje potencialnih strank, sklepanje poslov in zmanjšanje odliva

6 Ways Integrating CRM and Email Marketing Improves Business Results

Oglejmo si nekaj ključnih prednosti, ki jih lahko vaše podjetje s konopljo ali s konopljo pridobi, če integrirate svoj CRM in trženje po e-pošti.

1. Deeper Historical Perspective

A CRM tool typically tracks data related to each of your leads and customers’ activities and sales revenue and gives you a clear understanding of your entire sales pipeline. Your email marketing tool typically allows you to track behaviors such as where contacts are in the lijak za trženje, katera e-poštna sporočila odprejo vaši stiki, katere povezave kliknejo, in če ste svoje orodje za e-poštno trženje integrirali z orodjem za spletno analitiko, boste lahko celo videli, kaj počnejo, ko pristanejo na vašem spletnem mestu.

Ko pa integrirate svoj CRM in trženje po e-pošti, boste imeli popolno zgodovinsko perspektivo, ki vključuje, kdo je vsak stik in kakšni so njegovi interesi (na podlagi prejšnjih dejanj in vedenja). Z malo analize lahko te podatke uporabite za pošiljanje ciljno usmerjenih sporočil, ki so jim prilagojena, in lahko nastavite samodejna sporočila, da jih nenehno pritegnete.

2. Clearer Insights of Your Contacts

Kako veste, ali svojim stikom pošiljate prave informacije, da jih še naprej zanimajo za vašo blagovno znamko in jih motivirate, da kupujejo pri vas? Resničnost je taka, da ne veste, če nimate pravih podatkov o svojih stikih, ki jih morate najprej oceniti. Z integracijo vašega CRM in e-poštnega trženja lahko te podatke učinkovito zbirate in analizirate.

Uporabite podatke, ki jih zberete prek svoje prodajne ekipe in vašega e-poštnega trženja, da ocenite vedenje, zanimanja in želje, da lahko razvijete visoko ciljno usmerjeno komunikacijo, ki ne le zagotavlja boljše odzive, ampak tudi izboljša vaše dostavljivost e-pošte.

Navsezadnje se izboljša notranje sodelovanje in timsko delo je učinkovitejše, kar vodi do boljših rezultatov.

3. Actionable Data

Zbiranje podatkov ni v pomoč vašemu podjetju, če teh podatkov ne morete uporabiti. Ko integrirate svoj CRM in trženje po e-pošti, boste imeli na dosegu roke uporabne podatke, tako da boste lahko hitro prepoznali priložnosti in se odzvali v realnem času.

Just as integration helps you seize opportunities, it also helps you minimize risks. Seamless data integration enables you to identify problems and fix them quickly before they negatively impact your marketing campaigns, sales efforts, customer relationships, and bottom-line.

Če imate dostop do uporabnih podatkov, lahko avtomatizirate številne naloge in poenostavite procese. Posledično se izboljšata produktivnost in donosnost naložbe.

4. Improved Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support Performance

When all of your lead and customer data is in one place rather than in separate silos for marketing, sales, and customer support, communications and collaboration improve. Integrating CRM and email marketing is a critical step to integrating your marketing, sales, and customer support teams, and when these three teams work cohesively toward shared goals, your business will get better results. 

CRM and email marketing integration gives everyone the information they need to do their jobs. Having access to each lead and customer’s communication history, transactions, and insights from marketing, sales, and customer support interactions streamlines processes and enables all team members to deliver the best customer experiences. As a result, less time is wasted on unqualified leads, fewer sales are lost, customer retention increases, and the business wins.


5. Better Results and ROI

You can send more targeted, relevant messages to contacts once you’ve integrated your CRM and email marketing because you’ll have a clear understanding of who they are, what problems they have that your business can solve, and what motivates them to take action. This leads to better sales and marketing results, and your ROI will improve.

For example, using your enhanced contact insights and actionable data, you can develop timed email marketing messages with specific offers or automatic notifications to sales team members to follow up with contacts based on trigger actions like clicking on a specific link in an email message or visiting a specific page on your website a certain number of times.

6. Improved Data Management and Accuracy

Ko sta vaš CRM in e-poštno trženje integrirana, lahko dostopate do vseh informacij, ki jih potrebujete za prodajo in e-poštno trženje, na enem mestu, namesto da bi imeli kontaktne podatke, podatke o prodaji, podatke o trženju, podatke o transakcijah in informacije o komunikaciji shranjene na več mestih. To vsakemu zaposlenemu prihrani veliko časa in zmanjša tveganje za napake ter potrebo po podvajanju dela.

In addition, with CRM and email marketing integration, it’s easy for your team members to update data and make that new data available to everyone in real-time. There is no lag between systems since everything is connected, and there is no need for duplicated work in terms of entering the same data into multiple systems. Again, this saves time and reduces mistakes that could be very costly.

Ključni zaključki o integraciji CRM in e-poštnega trženja v industrijo konoplje

The cannabis industry gets more competitive every day, and to be successful, brands need to stay top-of-mind with their customers and prospects. Email marketing is a great way to do it, and research shows that email marketing is extremely effective. However, by integrating email marketing with CRM, you’ll be even more successful.

As your business grows, managing customer relationships, email marketing, sales, and customer support get more complex. CRM and email marketing integration as well as sales and marketing team integration are critical from the start.

For businesses working in and with the cannabis industry, the Podatkovna zbirka licenc Cannabiz Media, is built with fully integrated CRM and email marketing tools. When you subscribe, you get access to verified cannabis and hemp license holder leads across the U.S., Canada, and international markets as well as the marketing, sales, communications, and relationship building tools you need to be successful. To see how you can use it to improve your results, načrtuj predstavitev danes.

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