Robinhood dodaja ponavljajoče se dnevne nakupe kriptovalut že od 1 USD

Izvorno vozlišče: 1064091

Na kratko

  • Robinhood bo strankam omogočil tedenske in celo vsakodnevne ponavljajoče se nakupe že za 1 USD.
  • Ponudba strankam omogoča, da kripto kupujejo postopoma in se zaščitijo pred nestanovitnostjo.

Robinhood je v sredo napovedal novo funkcijo, ki bo svojim strankam kripto omogočila, da mesečno, tedensko ali celo dnevno pridobijo kovance v vrednosti le dolar.

Ta vrsta nakupa, znana kot ponavljajoči se nakupi ali povprečje dolarjev, je pogosta naložbena strategija v svetu delnic in velja za uporaben način varovanja pred nihanji na trgu.

Po mnenju direktorice podjetja Robinhood Crypto, Christine Brown, je zmožnost vlagateljev, da redno pridobivajo majhne zneske, še posebej uporabna, ko gre za trge kriptovalut, ki so še posebej nestanovitne.

"This allows customers to take a long term approach to crypto," Brown told Dešifriraj.

She added that the recurring purchase feature may be especially appealing to those who are new to crypto and intimidated by the market's frequent crashes—such as the one on Tuesday ta žaga Bitcoin in Ethereum potopi kar 15%, preden se delno okreva.

Ob objavi funkcije je Robinhood trdil, da bo vsaka ponavljajoča se funkcija brez plačila in provizije, kar je v nasprotju z drugimi kripto platformami, pri katerih so lahko transakcijske provizije do 4%. Komentar je bil morda implicitni Coinbase, the largest crypto retail service, which charges a fee on every transaction, and which is shaping up to be Robinhood's biggest strategic rival.

Robinhood isn't providing its crypto services for free, of course. The company makes money by obtaining rebates when it passes along bulk orders to crypto liquidity providers—rebates that it keeps for itself—but Brown says this system lets consumers obtain far better value than would at fee-based platforms. She also noted that some competitors charge higher rates for recurring purchases than for one-off transactions—creating an incentive for consumers to make larger single purchases rather than frequent smaller ones.

Robinhood's announcement comes at a time when the company—which is best known as a place to buy stocks—is seeing its crypto business expand dramatically. On a recent earnings call, Robinhood razkriti that the majority of its first time customers last quarter bought crypto rather than stocks.

Podjetje ima tudi namignil na veliko bigger crypto ambitions, including a plan to add more coins beyond sedem if offers now, and the launching of a stand-alone crypto denarnica. Robinhood se je glede časovne razporeditve teh ponudb skrbel, Brown pa ni želel komentirati, ali bodo prispele do konca leta.

Robinhood's recurring crypto purchase is rolling out gradually starting today. The company says all customers will be able to use it within a month.

This story was updated to clarify the nature of Robinhood's crypto business model.


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