LeapCharger za vstop v segment električnih vozil

LeapCharger za vstop v segment električnih vozil

Izvorno vozlišče: 3083361

CARSON CITY, NV, Jan 24, 2024 – (NewMediaWire) – LeapCharger Corporation (OTC: LCCN) (“LeapCharger” or the “Company”), an electric vehicle (EV) charging company with disruptive and innovative technology providing eco-friendly and sustainable solutions, is proud to announce its strategic leap into developing a line of electric vehicles. This bold move marks a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to sustainable transportation and positions LeapCharger as a comprehensive player in the evolving EV ecosystem.

Z leti strokovnega znanja in izkušenj pri razvoju najsodobnejših polnilnih postaj za električna vozila si LeapCharger zdaj prizadeva brezhibno integrirati polnilno infrastrukturo z lastno blagovno znamko električnih vozil, kar ustvarja celovit pristop k trajnostni mobilnosti. Ta strateška širitev je usklajena z globalnim premikom k čistejšim transportnim rešitvam in postavlja LeapCharger kot ključnega akterja pri oblikovanju prihodnosti avtomobilske industrije.

LeapCharger’s foray into creating its own EV vehicle brand and line represents a natural progression, leveraging the company’s in-depth understanding of the EV landscape. By combining charging technology with its own vehicle line, LeapCharger aims to provide customers with a seamless and integrated experience, addressing the growing demand for electric mobility solutions.

This diversification is not only a testament to LeapCharger’s adaptability but also a strategic move to capitalize on the expanding market for electric vehicles. As governments worldwide implement stricter emission standards and consumers increasingly embrace sustainable transportation options, LeapCharger is poised to be at the forefront of this transformative industry.

The Company’s CEO, Praveenkumar Vijayakumar, expressed enthusiasm about this strategic move, stating, “LeapCharger’s goal has always been to be at the forefront of innovation in the electric mobility sector. Our entry into the EV car sector is a natural evolution that allows us to provide end-to-end solutions for our customers. We believe this expansion will not only contribute to the growth of the company but also play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation.

“We are in the midst of finalizing terms and specific details related to our EV line, and expect to have an announcement in short order. We will be developing both a sedan and an SUV to meet the ever-growing demands of our customers and EV enthusiasts worldwide,” concluded Vijayakumar.

LeapCharger ostaja zavezan zagotavljanju visokokakovostnih, okolju prijaznih izdelkov in storitev. Podjetje se veseli vznemirljivega potovanja, ki ga čaka, saj se podaja v svet električnih vozil in prispeva k bolj zeleni in trajnostni prihodnosti.

Dodatne informacije o naši novi znamki vozil EV bodo objavljene, ko bodo na voljo. Za najnovejše informacije in posodobitve obiščite naše strani družbenih medijev, ki so vse navedene na dnu te izdaje.


To sporočilo za javnost ne predstavlja ponudbe za prodajo ali nagovarjanja k ponudbi za nakup teh vrednostnih papirjev, niti ne bo nobene prodaje teh vrednostnih papirjev v kateri koli državi ali jurisdikciji, v kateri bi bila taka ponudba, nagovarjanje ali prodaja nezakonita pred registracijo ali kvalifikacije v skladu z zakoni o vrednostnih papirjih katere koli take države ali jurisdikcije. Vse ponudbe, nagovarjanja ali ponudbe za nakup ali kakršne koli prodaje vrednostnih papirjev bodo izvedene v skladu z zahtevami za registracijo iz Zakona o vrednostnih papirjih iz leta 1933, kot je bil spremenjen. Vsaka ponudba je predmet tržnih pogojev in ni nobenega zagotovila o tem, ali in kdaj bo ponudba lahko dokončana, ali o dejanski velikosti ali pogojih ponudbe.


LeapCharger Corporation je nastajajoče rastoče podjetje, katerega cilj je potrošnikom in podjetjem zagotoviti visokokakovostne rešitve za polnjenje električnih vozil (EV). Naše dejavnosti imajo sedež v ZAE in nameravamo v bližnji prihodnosti razširiti delovanje v druge regije, kot so Severna Amerika, EU in Južna Azija. Naše polnilne postaje bodo strateško postavljene na območjih z velikim prometom, kar bo lastnikom električnih vozil zagotovilo enostaven dostop do naših storitev. Ponujamo uporabniku prijazno mobilno aplikacijo, ki strankam omogoča enostavno iskanje naših polnilnih postaj, rezervacijo polnilnih mest in plačilo za svoje polnilne seje. V svoje polnilne postaje smo vključili tudi oglaševalske rešitve za ustvarjanje dodatnega prihodka. Poleg naše komercialne ponudbe bomo sodelovali tudi s stanovanjskimi skupnostmi in lastniki nepremičnin za namestitev polnilnih postaj v njihovih stavbah. Poleg tega se zavedamo, da naše stranke dajejo prednost učinkovitosti in udobju, zato na izvoze z avtocest in bencinske črpalke postavljamo polnilne postaje z močjo 150 kW+. Te postaje ponujajo višjo hitrost polnjenja, kar voznikom omogoča, da se hitro vrnejo na cesto. Eden od načinov, kako to dosežemo, je ponujanje nižjih stopenj zaračunavanja kot naši konkurenti, zahvaljujoč naši inovativni uporabi prihodkov od oglaševanja. Naše polnilne postaje so opremljene s 55-palčnimi zasloni, ki našim strankam zagotavljajo dragocen tržni kanal in služijo tudi kot tržni kanali za našo blagovno znamko LeapCharger.


This press release contains forward-looking statements (including within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended) concerning the Company, expected listing and trading, the Company’s technology and future anticipated growth. Forward-looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “would,” “expect,” “plan,” “believe,” “intend,” “look forward,” and other similar expressions among others. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement as a result of various factors, including, without limitation: risks related to LeapCharger’s operations, such as additional financing requirements and access to capital; competition; the ability of LeapCharger to protect its intellectual property rights; and other risks set forth in the Company’s filings with OTC Markets (“OTCM”) and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, including those described in LeapCharger’s periodic reports filed with the SEC or OTCM, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Except as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement, or to make any other forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Družba lahko občasno in v skladu z zakonodajo objavi nove in pomembne informacije na svoji spletni strani, www.leapcharger.com, ali prek družbenih medijev, ki jih sponzorira podjetje, do katerih lahko dostopate s klikom na spodnje povezave:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leapcharger/
Twitter: https://x.com/LeapCharger?s=20
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leapcharger/

Praveenkumar Vijayakumar
+1 917 391 0061
LeapCharger Corporation

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