Gumb za glasnost Ford Mustang Mach-E zdaj lahko nadzira temperaturo, ventilator in drugo

Gumb za glasnost Ford Mustang Mach-E zdaj lahko nadzira temperaturo, ventilator in drugo

Izvorno vozlišče: 1888846
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Podpora za posodobitve po zraku pomeni, da lahko sodobna vozila pridobijo nove funkcije ves čas, ko so na cesti. Kot odličen primer dodajanja novih elementov je Ford Mustang Mach-E pravkar prejel novo kodo, ki je vključevala veliko izboljšav, kot je uporaba gumba za glasnost za prilagajanje temperature v kabini.

O Mach E has a 15.5-inch, portrait-oriented touchscreen with a physical knob in the middle along the display's lower edge. According to the software update notes (embedded below), users just need to tap the cabin temperature, fan speed, or heated seat controls on the panel and then turn the dial to the preferred setting.


Posodobitev je odpravila težavo, ki Urednik Jeff Perez je omenil v svojem pregledu Mach-E iz leta 2021:

"I also had a gripe with the climate control setup. Like some other manufacturers (looking at you, Volvo and Subaru), the A/C settings are baked directly into the screen, and no matter how familiar you get with the Mach-E's massive display, it's almost impossible to change the fan speed or temperature without taking your eyes off the road because there are so low on the already long screen. Tactile buttons are still superior in this respect."

There are also smaller tweaks to the infotainment screen's appearance. Ford adjusts the Home screen to improve navigating through it. The status bar has new icons. Changes to the settings and controls provide easier access to drive modes and software update details. Owners can pre-select days and times for scheduling software updates, too.

In addition, drivers can now create personal profiles, and they're accessible to switch between from the status bar.

Ford also has new games to play on the screen. Bridge Battle challenges players to build a bridge from one side to the other before their opponent. It's possible to challenge the computer or go up against another human in the car.

Parkirišče je ugankarska igra, pri kateri igralci naredijo pot, da bi spravili lika iz prometnega parkirišča. 

Mach-E je pravkar zaključil uspešno prodajno leto. Leta 2022 jih je Ford premaknil 39,458, kar je bilo 45.4 odstotka več kot 27,140 enot leta 2021. Lani je podjetje slavilo gradnjo 150,000 enot električnega križanca.

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