Seznami žetonov ABEY na spletnem mestu Liquid Global Today

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Native Token ABEY Lists on Leading Crypto Exchange Liquid Global Today

The ABEY token has just been listed on the leading Japanese crypto exchange Liquid Global, an announcement that signals continued growth for the ABEY ecosystem built on top of the ABEYCHAIN. ABEY token has been trading on crypto exchange since it was first introduced in 2020. Trading on ABEY token grew, which saw the asset price growing over 400% since its launch. ABEY token was listed on ZBX at a price of $0.61 per token and as at the time of this writing, the token price is currently trading at $2.50.

This growth has prompted the ABEYCHAIN team to increase exposure to the ABEY token. This new listing will enable more users to invest in the ABEY token worldwide. It will also bolster the growth of the ABEY token going forward.

Liquid Global currently operates in over 100 countries worldwide. Its customer base boasts of over 800,000 active users, with over 80 tokens listed for the exchange for trading. Liquid Global, in 2020, had a record trading volume of $1.1 billion, and the exchange is consistently ranked among the top 10-20 regulated crypto exchanges worldwide.

ABEYCHAIN Blockchain Rounds All The Bases

ABEYCHAIN ​​je popolnoma delujoča večplastna, programabilna veriga blokov za velike količine transakcij. Blockchain zagotavlja decentraliziran ekosistem za shranjevanje, ki mu ni para v industriji. Medtem ko podpira transakcije velikega obsega z uporabo razdeljevanja in virtualnega stroja ABEY (AVM). Preprosto povedano, ABEYCHAIN ​​je tja prišel pred Ethereumom.

Večina verig blokov uporablja enotne sporazumne mehanizme, kot sta dokazilo o delu ali dokazilo o deležu. Blockchain ABEYCHAIN ​​uporablja mehanizem dvojnega soglasja z implementacijo hibridnega soglasja varnega dokazila o delu in delegiranega dokazila o deležu. Ta hibridizacija pomaga rešiti težavo, splošno znano kot »nemogoči trikotnik«. Trikotnik je sestavljen iz visoke stopnje decentralizacije, varnosti in učinkovitosti.

ABEYCHAIN ​​ponuja rešitev za to za uporabnike verige blokov. Ustvarjanje ekosistema, v katerem lahko uporabniki računajo na hitre transakcije, interoperabilnost med verigami in rastočo bazo decentraliziranih aplikacij v hitro rastočem ekosistemu. Vse to v razvijalcu prijaznem okolju. Blokovna veriga ABEYCHAIN ​​ima tudi možnost povečanja do 10,000 transakcij na sekundo (TPS). Zagotavljanje hitrih in učinkovitih transakcij ter odpravljanje prezasedenosti omrežja, ki povzroča visoke omrežnine.

Leading DeFi Service

Leading DeFi service XSwap sits on top of the ABEYCHAIN blockchain. XSwap gives users access to decentralized finance services like staking, lending, and yield farming. XSwap also provides Uniswap liquidity mining, which it začela nazaj 2020.

Other features in the ABEY ecosystem include the ABEY Storage Network and ABEY Storage Token (AST) and the aCash Token (ACT), the official stablecoin of the ABEYCHAIN ecosystem.


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